Lord of the Rings battle in episode 7 suddenly makes 100 times more sense once you understand the secret tactics behind it

Lord of the Rings battle in episode 7 suddenly makes

Even though the 7th episode of the 2nd season of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power shocks us primarily with a kiss, the episode is primarily dedicated to that Battle of Eregion. But as Lord of the Rings film fans, have you noticed the method behind it? Almost every action in the attack sequence seems to be the complete opposite of the famous Battle of Helm’s Deep in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.

The Rings of Power: The Battle of Eregion is Helm’s Deep… turned on its head

Eternally doomed to death is the name of episode 7 of season 2 of the Lord of the Rings series and unleashes the orc army of Adar (Sam Hazeldine) against the elven city of Eregion by the blacksmith Celebrimbor (Charles Edwards). That the Siege staged as the exact opposite of Helm’s Deep Reddit user eldradir has identified it as the meta theme of the episode. If you look closely, his theory is very convincing.

The Battle of Helm’s Deep, in which Rohan defies the onslaught of Saruman’s Uruk-hai army in the Hornburg, is legendary for every Lord of the Rings fan. Instead of emulating this iconic battle, The Rings of Power in Season 2 decides to play with our knowledge and… to reverse expectations. Moments that show this in episode 7 are as follows:

  • Instead of getting an insight into the defenses of the attacked city, episode 7 shows us the battle largely from the Orc perspective.
  • While the attack of Saruman’s army is unstoppable in The Two Towers, stops the army of the elves around Gil-galad temporarily when Adar reveals Galadriel to them in the cage.

  • Instead of the ram that is supposed to tear down the walls and doors of Helm’s Deep in The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, we get one in The Rings of Power Anti-battering ramto destroy Eregion’s wall (which was specially rebuilt in season 2) using drawn stones – the reverse invention of a “pulling goat”.
  • In Helm’s Deep the defensive wall is blown up by a torch-bearing Uruk-hai, in Eregion an elf prevents it with one explosion the breakthrough.
  • While Rohan’s women, children and elders tremble inside during the attack from Helm’s Deep, Celebrimbor in Eregion has a long time no idea what’s going on outside.
  • Instead of Helm Hammerhand’s horn on the good guys’ side when Aragorn and Théoden break out of the defenses, the Amazon series leaves that dark horn of the evil ones sound to call the orcs into battle.
  • Instead of seeing Aragorn, Legolas and Co. win, the heroes are defeated in a duelwhen Adar defeats both Elrond and Arondir in single combat.
  • While Rohan is rescued by Gandalf’s helping army at first light in the second Lord of the Rings film, Elrond appears contrary to his expectations no rescue on the hilltop by the requested Prince Durin.
  • While The Rings of Power often quotes Peter Jackson’s trilogy at the image and dialogue level, The Battle of Eregion takes the opposite approach and presents itself as Anti quote from the Lord of the Rings films.

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