“Looked like it wasn’t coming down at all”

Looked like it wasnt coming down at all

The first ever women’s flying hill race had a warm atmosphere.

Joel Sippola,

Sakari Lund

19.3. 19:38•Updated 19.3. 22:48

History was made in hill jumping on Sunday, when women competed for the first time in the flying hill. The women’s all-time longest jump was improved several times over the weekend.

In the competition, the latest ME jump was scored by Slovenia Ema Klinec, which came down at 226 meters. Klinec, who skied 223.5 meters in the second round, won the race in superior style.

– It was a huge jump. It looked like he wasn’t coming down at all. The flight continued well from the hill, also competing in Vikersund Jenny Rautionaho stated.

Rautiaonaho, the only Finn in the race, was 13th. He was far from the slices of the Slovenian star. Rautionaho’s jumps carried 166.5 and 169 meters.

The top 15 of the Raw Air tour competed in Norway made it to the first women’s flying hill race in history. The race was not part of the World Cup.

For Rautionaho, like other jumpers, the weekend was an unforgettable experience. Competitors hugged each other after their performances.

One of the happiest was from Canada Alexandria Loutitt.

– I broke the Canadian record. I defeated by Mackenzie Boyd-ClowesLoutitt joked to his rival after the second round.

With his comment, he referred to the top name in Canadian men’s ski jumping. In the second round, Loutitt was one meter away from Klinec’s ME jump. However, women jump from a higher starting platform than men.

“Different from Suurmäki”

Rautionaho brought out a good atmosphere.

– I had great feelings. The whole weekend was encouraging for everyone. We made history, so you can be quite satisfied. Everyone was happy with everyone’s jumps.

Before this weekend, Rautionaho had not competed in the airfield before.

– It’s a bit different from Suurmäki. There is more speed and pressure under the ski. It was amazing, Rautionaho described flying.

Rautionaho’s longest jump was made during training. There he stretched 176 meters.

– There were a few problems with the bow. Couldn’t produce the best for the bow. 200 meters was the goal, but there is something to be achieved for next year as well.

In the race, the differences were big.

– A really big hill. The tough ones are tough. Those who didn’t make it to you with the hill didn’t make it very far, Rautionaho enthused.

Vikersund, Norway – flight hill (HS240):

Women’s FIS Competition and Raw Air Tour Competition:

1) Ema Klinec SLO 414.7 points (226 meters and 223.5 meters)
2) Silje Opseth NOR 373.7 (211-207)
3) Yuki Ito JPN 352.6 (200.5-190)
4) Katharina Althaus GER 347.4 (194-190)
5) Alexandria Loutitt CAN 339.5 (172.5-225)
6) Maren Lundby NOR 328 (186-184.5)

13) Jenny Rautionaho FIN 248.4 (166.5-169)

Final results of the Raw Air tour:

1) Ema Klinec SLO 1,859.6 points
2) Katharina Althaus GER 1,771.5
3) Selina Freitag GER 1,704.3

13) Jenny Rautionaho FIN 1,439.0
32) Julia Kykkänen FIN 661.2
