Look what it does when you drink more than 4-5 glasses! Drinking more than normal tea can cause that disease.

Look what it does when you drink more than 4 5

It is known that tea consumption has been increasing in our country and around the world in recent years. Tea, which tea drinkers consume more than 1 glass a day, can cause some discomfort when consumed in addition to its benefits. Tea, which is the most consumed beverage in our country after water, can cause many problems such as headache, heart palpitations, tremors in the hands, nausea, nervous disorder, iron deficiency, especially when consumed more than 4-5 glasses.


Excessive consumption of tea can also cause problems such as anemia and insomnia. Experts say that the ideal consumption of tea is 3 or 4 cups a day. Here are the discomforts caused by excessive tea consumption…

Gastritis and stomach ailments

Tea is known as a beverage containing caffeine. Caffeine causes various acidic substances to urea in the stomach. When acidic substances are more than the body can absorb, various problems can be experienced in the stomach. It is especially beneficial for people with diseases such as ulcers, gastritis or stomach cancer to reduce their tea consumption and even prefer green tea.

Kidney ailments

One of the main causes of kidney disorders can be tea consumption. In particular, the stimulation created by the caffeine in it harms the person. There is oxalate in tea and this substance can cause kidney stones.

Causes stains and yellowing on teeth

Tea can cause stains and yellowing on the teeth. In order to eliminate stains and yellowing, you should definitely gargle with 1 glass of water after tea consumption.


Caffeine in tea can cause diarrhea.



The tannin substance in tea can also cause constipation with the opposite effect of diarrhea. This substance is stored in the body. Excessive consumption of tea causes the tannin substance to penetrate the body too much and causes constipation.

Anxiety and insomnia

Excessive consumption of tea can cause insomnia and tension due to the caffeine it contains. Caffeine stimulates the person physically and mentally and causes insomnia.

May cause premenstrual syndrome

Excessive consumption of tea can cause premenstrual syndrome, especially in women. This syndrome has symptoms such as mental depression, tension, irritability, extreme fatigue, and sensitization.

urinary problems

Frequent urination may occur if more tea is consumed than usual. Caffeine puts pressure on a person’s bladder. This can cause the muscles around the bladder to activate and increase the person’s need to urinate.


Esophageal cancer

Especially when you drink something hot, the risk of damage to the esophageal canal increases. Drinking hot and boiling tea is among the causes of esophageal cancer.

Edema and bloating

If more than 4 glasses of tea are consumed per day and less than 2 liters of water is consumed, edema and swelling may occur in your body. Especially if you experience constant weight change, the reason may be edema due to excessive tea consumption.

It expels water from the body

Although it is thought that tea meets the need for water and can be consumed instead of water, tea does not meet the body’s need for water, and on the contrary, it draws out the water in the body.

May make it harder to get pregnant

Due to the caffeine in tea, it is known as a beverage that should be avoided by those who want to get pregnant. This drink should be consumed carefully and in lesser amounts, especially during pregnancy and lactation.
