“Look How Pumped You Are”

Look How Pumped You Are
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chris Hemsworth are now colleagues. Not only colleagues as stars of the action genre, but also colleagues as draft horses for Netflix. At the streamer’s big Tudum event in Brazil, both actors met now met and visited the gym. Both are enthusiastic about each other. At Netflix event: Arnold Schwarzenegger praises Chris Hemsworth’s Marvel body

You never know who you might meet at the gym‘ Hemsworth wrote on Instagram alongside a picture of him and Schwarzenegger. What a dream, with [Arnold Schwarzenegger zu trainieren.Die Antwort seines Action-Kollegen folgte prompt in den Kommentaren.

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Schau, wie aufgepumpt du bist“, schrieb Schwarzenegger über Hemsworths Marvel-gestählten Körper, “Die Deltamuskeln [an der Schulter]. The triceps.“The mutual appreciation they have for each other, their careers and their sport is palpable.

Chris Hemsworth and Arnold Schwarzenegger are currently the action ambassadors on Netflix. As Schwarzenegger’s FUBAR is renewed for a second season, Hemsworth is enjoying the biggest action return in the streaming service’s history.

Podcast: Is Netflix worth it or a waste of money?

Popular series are being discontinued, password sharing is being prevented and prices are increasing: In this podcast episode, we therefore ask ourselves a question: Is the Netflix subscription still worth it?

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We present the arguments for and against Netflix, explain the current price structure and the measures against account sharing. We also take a look at the attractive content that the streaming service still offers and thus arrive at the answer: to unsubscribe or not?

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