Look around carefully! It can happen at any time: An alarm has been issued for bubbling plants

Look around carefully It can happen at any time An

England came to the fore again with a new event. After the monkeypox virus and the invasive giant bunny weeds, the public was warned of the froth on the plants. While it may seem harmless, authorities have warned the public to report when foam is seen on plants, so as not to overlook the potential.

Foam has been linked to the spread of a deadly plant disease that could harm native species, Yorkshire Live reports.

This substance is produced by an insect called a spittle beetle, which encloses itself in a foam ball for protection while sucking the sap of a plant to feed.


Although insects do not harm humans, scientists warned that caution should be exercised in this regard. The spittlebugs are concerned about the spread of Xyella, a deadly plant disease considered one of the world’s most dangerous pathogens.



In recent years, the disease has devastated olive groves in Italy. It is argued that if the spittle is more common in the UK, all plants within a 100 meter radius should be destroyed.



Because the spittle beetle is a potential carrier of the disease, experts have asked the public to keep their eyes peeled and report any foam they see to stop any outbreaks.
