The Center Party’s party leader Annie Lööf tells in an interview with TV4 Nyheterna today how shaken she was by the news that the man who killed a psychiatric coordinator in Almedalen this year planned to kill her as well. – It is an extremely shocking news to receive. One’s first thoughts naturally go to one’s own and the family’s safety, to my children. It affected me deeply when I received this message. It still affects me immensely, says a noticeably taken Annie Lööf. It was on Thursday that it became known that Center leader Annie Lööf was one of the suspected Visby terrorist’s targets, when she was assigned a plaintiff’s attorney. In the murder in Almedalen last summer, the psychiatric coordinator Ing-Marie Wieselgren was killed. According to the prosecutor, the perpetrator intended to kill Lööf as well. His motive is not known. The prosecutor did not want to answer whether he was specifically looking for Annie Lööf, or if she just happened to be nearby. See the entire interview with Annie Lööf in the clip above
Lööf on the suspected murder plot on her: “You get really cold”