Destiny 2: Lightfall didn’t get off to a great start. Also because of the newly introduced subclass, which just felt bad in its default version. But just 1 single fragment makes everything better. We’ll tell you which one and why.
Why is the new subclass Strang so unpopular? Already during the campaign, the ability didn’t feel strong enough. In many missions where you should use “Strong” it was nothing but a massive handicap.
The second killer was the long cooldowns on Lightfall’s new ability, Strang. It did have top-notch mobility, which is really good, but the long cooldowns killed that momentum.
After all, Bungie reacted with the first changes just 4 days after the launch, immediately releasing all fragments of “Strang”.
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So removing the timegate was a good idea. Because just 1 of the new strand fragments now makes everything much better. We’ll show you and tell you how it works best.
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Thread of Generation saves almost the entire subclass
what makes it better now Players and content creators immediately set about exploring the new fragments that Bungie unlocked and quickly found what they were looking for.
The fragment already works great with normal weapons. However, there are even better results with options that deal damage over time, such as the exotic submachine gun “Osteo-Striga”, the Exo-Bow “Le Monarque” or even the Warlock gloves “Nectrotic Grasp”. With this, the ability energy regenerated adds up quite solidly and the grapple cooldown is reduced considerably with every tick.
Good to know: Thread of Generation also works with all grenades. So you can use it for the thread grenade as well as the shackle grenade – not just for the grappling hook.
Mods such as “Grenade Kickstart” can also be used as a support, since the “Thread of Generation” fragment from Strang means -10 discipline deduction for your build.
So if you haven’t unlocked the fragment yet, you should prioritize it now at the latest. Since you can only buy the fragments with a certain resource, we’ve shown you a few effective ways to quickly farm “Strand Meditations”.
What about your relationship with Strang? Is it hanging by a thin thread or have you already experimented with the early unlocked fragments? Feel free to tell us in the comments.
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