A Londoner is facing charges after St. Thomas police raided an illegal magic mushroom dispensary that had recently opened.

A Londoner is facing charges after St. Thomas police raided an illegal magic mushroom dispensary that had recently opened.
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St. Thomas police searched Fun Guyz at 309 Talbot St. Thursday, seizing 7,150 grams of magic mushrooms valued at $71,504, police said Friday.
A London resident, 39, is charged with drug possession for the purpose of trafficking. They were released from custody on an undertaking – a document that an accused signs, instead of being held for a bail hearing – and will appear in court on a later date.
Fun Guyz is a chain of magic mushroom dispensaries with more than a dozen locations across Ontario, including in London and Windsor, where police in both cities have raided the shops only to see them reopen within days.
Tea Fun Guyz store on Richmond Street in downtown London opened May 12.
Windsor police raided the Fun Guyz location at 359 Ouellette Avenue in early July.
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The cash-only businesses sell a range of magic mushrooms – a drug that remains illegal in Canada – and other products containing psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic that can produce a range of effects, including altered perception and intense emotions.
Research into psilocybin’s potential therapeutic benefits is still in its early stages, but advocates have touted the drug’s potential to treat some psychological conditions. Health Canada warns that magic mushrooms remain illegal.
St. Thomas police vowed to uphold the laws and ensure the safety and wellbeing of the community.
“The diligent efforts of our officers have resulted in the successful intervention of illegal psilocybin distribution,” police said in a statement.
At London store selling illegal drugs, a wait for police – but no worry
COLUMN: We need to talk about illegal magic mushroom shops
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