London wants to be able to override the injunctions of the ECHR

London wants to be able to override the injunctions of

After the European Court of Human Rights prevented the deportation of migrants to Rwanda, the British Minister of Justice announced that he wanted to override certain decisions of the European body.

After several unsuccessful appeals by NGOs, British justice had authorized the flight supposed to send several migrants to Rwanda, as part of a controversial agreement between the two countries. Masi finally, it is the European Court of Human Rights which prevented the plane from taking off, considering that it had to examine in detail the legality of the device.

Legislate to ignore

A decision that did not please the authorities of the United Kingdom. ” I think that when three courts — and I have great respect for the judicial system of this country — have dismissed the subject, it is not right for Strasbourg to intervene as it has said Justice Minister Dominic Raab. on SkyNews.

Following the opposition of the ECHR, the Minister therefore expressed his desire to legislate in order to be able to ignore certain injunctions of this body which ensures compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights. In particular, he mentioned new legislation on human rights. ” Our Bill of Rights will correct this “, assured the minister.


Despite the snubs and the strong opposition to this migration policy, described as ” appalling by Prince Charles, the British government expressed its determination to pursue its strategy.

► Also to listen: Expulsion of migrants from the United Kingdom to Rwanda: “We are in a display policy”

(with AFP)
