LOL’s Wüterich calculates with Twitch streamers that let him down in WoW

Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp is a leading Twitch streamer for the Moba League of Legends. In the past few weeks he has been active in World of Warcraft. But his guest performance in the MMORPG ended tragically: his warrior died in a boss fight and was lost with it. Tyler1 stops with WoW and contradicts the players of his Twitch guild ONLYFANGS.

Why is Tyler1 so riggerD? At the weekend, Tyler1 headed a raid on a hardcore server to wow. It went into the slaughterhouse “The melted core” from 2004. Tyler1, although he is a newcomer in WoW, was only pausing because he had torn the guild of guild in a duel after the actual guild leader Sodapoppin was unhappy had died.

But Tyler1 now died in the fight against “Baron Geddon” and lost his character. In his view, his people let him down:

Baron Geddon had only a few life points, but conjured up a divisional damage effect around him that caused more and more damage the more often you were hit by the ability:

  • Tyler1 blew as an attack, ran to the boss, still conjured up, screamed for healing and finally died
  • However, many of his teammates ran out of the damage and brought themselves to safety
  • Like the worst troll from Twitch became the face of League of Legends

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    Tyler1 settles with teammates who let him down

    That says Tyler1: Tyler1 had initially seen part of the guilt for himself. He would have made the announcement of staying on the boss too late. But a little later, when he looked at the clip again, Tyler1 was in anger mode (via YouTube):

    Fuck the guild. Fuck it all. I don’t go on. Fuck people, pussies. I do not care. There is a handful of good people, but these wow players are all pussy. They can have themselves.

    He then stated that 39 people should have heard on his announcement, but 30 of them were running away. He did so much for people: spent his private time with them and spent hours with them in dungeons and then they let him hang. He was ready with the people.

    His ego is injured

    This is how the guild’s boss reacts: The actual boss of the guild of only fan “Sodapoppin”, an experienced wow player, took Tyler1 in protection on the one hand, but on the other hand he also criticizes him:

  • The call to attack the boss was bad. WoW players are instilled in avoiding damage and not running into AE effects. Such a call could not be made easy and expect that everyone will act against their instinct in a fraction of a second
  • On the other hand, Tyler1 has to be credited that he led the raid, without great experience. In any case, Tyler1 was an enrichment for the WoW guild, he had contributed a lot to entertainment
  • But Sodapoppin now sees the outbreak of Tyler1 critically. Sodapoppin believes:

    The uncontrolled versions of Tyler1 could mean that the members of only fans of Tyler1 are attacked and referred to as “Roach”, as a cockroach.

    Sodapoppijn says:

    This will now make sure that people from Tyler1 are called Kakerlake. But that’s just wrong and annoys me. Maybe Tyler1’s ego is injured and yes, it’s stupid. He did not necessarily make a bad announcement, from his experience – but he learned on the hard tour of what happens in the situation.

    Sodapoppin says he understands the frustration of Tyler1, the Baron was really about to die, but Tyler1 simply does not take into account the psychology of the teammates. That annoys him.

    Don’t stand in the fire

    That is behind it: Sodapoppin explains the fundamental problem that Tyler1 expects players to “run into the AE and risk their lives”, while every player in WoW from day 1 is instilled: “Stand in the fire”. Avoid AE damage wherever possible.

    The general consensus to the Pull of Bardon Geddon and the death of Tyler1 is: Yes, the baron would probably have died and everyone would have survived if the whole Raid had heard on Tyler1 and immediately brewed on the baron with all might.

    But the call to attack him full of risk came very late, and the natural instinct of the player to run out of the fire is understandable. Even if this is “pussys” from the perspective of the LOL player. But when Tyler1 dies in LOL, he also responds at the fountain. If he dies in WoW Hardcore, this is a game over: Wow: head of the guild “Onlyfangs” dies in the raid, is betrayed by everyone and also presents by Blizzard
