LoL: Riot Games is nerfing a rune with a new patch and could slow down two popular champions

League of Legends patch 14.4 is scheduled to release this week. With this patch, Riot Games is nerfing the Lethal Tempo rune, which could particularly affect two brothers.

Patch 14.4 is just around the corner, hitting League of Legends live servers on Thursday, February 22nd. With the latest patch, Riot Games has, among other things, made a change to the Lethal Tempo rune, which could probably have an impact on two popular champions – we’re talking about the two brothers Yone and Yasuo. The community is reacting enthusiastically to this change.

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What exactly is being nerfed? The Lethal Tempo rune gives you (54-81% melee) or (21-48% ranged) attack speed for 6 seconds when you auto-attack an enemy champion. This effect can be increased up to 6 times. At full stacks, your attack speed can exceed 2.5 and you also gain an additional 50 attack range.

  • Lethal Tempo Nerf: Melee attack speed per stack reduced – from 9-13.5% (based on level) to 5-16% (based on level)
  • The nerf only affects melee champions. Both Yasuo and Yone benefit from the additional attack speed because their Q ability’s cooldown scales with attack speed. The nerf will probably affect Yone and Yasuo in the early game, but they will probably be able to scale even more in the late game.

    In the early game, however, the nerf could make them less dominant in lane. At the beginning they get less attack speed per stack due to the nerf, but with higher levels they get more than before the new patch.

    Community is happy about Lethal Tempo nerf

    What does the community say about this? On Reddit, player Sunshado shared his perspective on the Lethal Tempo nerf. Sunshado emphasizes that champions like Yone and Yasuo would be heavily dependent on this rune, especially in the early game. By reducing the attack speed per stack, the early will now be more balanced.

    I don’t think people realize how much Yone and Yasuo rely on this rune. Sunshado believes that Yasuo and Yone should have a worse early game because they scale and would be strong enough later. The change in the rune is definitely a good thing. Previously, Lethal Tempo would have eliminated this weakness in the early game far too much.

    There are tons of comments under the post. A majority of people are happy about the Lethal Tempo nerf. We have summarized a few comments for you:

  • drop_of_faith agrees with Sunshado: I agree. LT distorts the early game much more than any rune should.
  • Raigheb writes: As a Nocturne main, I have to say that Lethal Tempo was overpowering. I’ll still take the rune, but I’ll no longer feel like I can defeat everyone at level 4 on my own.
  • DarioIvan writes: Finally we can play a champion and not a rune.
  • Jhininstalock writes: […] Don’t we all love getting beaten by these champions in the early levels simply because they got ridiculous amounts of stats for free. […]
  • Patch 14.4 also includes, among other things, changes to support items and buffs and nerfs for some champions, including K’Sante, Lulu and Aurelion Sol.

    The nerfs for Aurelion Sol come in handy. Riot Games previously apologized for the strong buff on him: LoL: Riot apologizes for too strong a buff on a midlaner – “We made him way too good”
