Swede Martin “Rekkles” Larsson is considered one of the best AD carries in League of Legends. In a new live stream, he has now shared tips on how to climb the rankings quickly. He also revealed what the current best champions for the botlane are.
Who’s speaking?
In the last few weeks, Rekkles has been streaming more and announced that he wants to climb the rankings again at the end of Season 12. Appropriately, he gave three important tips to his viewers.
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Just focus on two champions
What’s his first tip? According to Rekkles, the easiest way to climb the ranks is to focus on one or two champions. Don’t try to dominate as many champions as possible or even fill multiple roles.
Focusing on a single champion is ideal, but you also have to expect your opponent to play or ban them. That’s why you have to master two champions.
Which champions does Rekkles recommend? In the botlane, he sees two champions in particular as really strong: Jhin and Sivir.
Good alternatives would also be Miss Fortune and Tristana. All four champions are also among those that Rekkles likes to play competitively in tournaments.
Here you can find the video with the tips from Rekkles:
Don’t die or lose lane
What other tips does Rekkles have? In general, the pro recommends choosing a champion who is strong in the laning phase and not focusing too much on the endgame. Because: “Many SoloQ games are decided early on. For that you need a champion that dominates the lane.”
In line with this, the pro emphasizes that you should not die on your lane. That has priority.
In competitive matches with five permanent players, the situation is different. Lane dominance and the constant push of the minions are not always necessary here, but the entire team combo plays a more important role.
But pushing in the SoloQ and giving your own support more freedom would already decide many games.
But not only dealing with champions and the lane is important. LoL pro Jankos reveals how to deal with the biggest problem:
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