LoL Pro explains why one role gets the most hate in the game and how to deal with it

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Mads “Broxah” Brock-Pedersen is one of the best players in League of Legends and has been a jungler for Fnatic, CLG and currently Team Liquid, among others. In a video, he explained why junglers in particular get a lot of hate and toxic comments, regardless of whether they play well or not.

What exactly is the problem? LoL is considered a toxic game. If a match doesn’t go according to plan or if you make a mistake yourself, it often happens that people complain and even insult in voice or text chat. Again and again we report on MeinMMO about cases in which toxic behavior takes the fun out of the players.

This is also known to Riot Games. They are always trying to come up with new methods to curb this behavior. With moderate success so far.

The professional Broxah has now spoken in a video about the topic of toxicity and how to deal with it. Because even as a professional, he always gets comments and sayings. Junglers in particular are often said to be the target of such attacks. He himself has no hope that this behavior will improve in the foreseeable future and therefore gives tips on how to deal with it.

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“Even if you play really well, people will criticize you”

What exactly is Broxah saying? In his video, the professional explains that flames and toxic behavior always occur no matter what league:

This happens to all junglers. It makes no difference. Even if you play really well, people will criticize you. […]. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve achieved as a LoL player. Regardless of the ranking, the behavior of your fellow players will never change.

One reason for the many flames, especially among junglers, is said to be the non-understanding of the other players. They should actually be able to manage their own lane (top, mid, bot), but often they can’t and then blame the jungler:

Because the players in lane don’t understand that it’s their job to play well alone in the matchup. It’s not your job to be a little kid who whimpers, cries, and waits for the babysitter while the jungler does everything for you.

So, from Broxah’s point of view, it’s important to learn how to deal with these things.

Stay positive even if you want to complain back

What tips does he have? As a general rule, Broxah recommends muting players who start flaming in chat. Because even if you don’t react to it, you keep reading the chat and start to get angry.

It’s also important to stay positive and hope for the best. Once you start getting angry or flaming back, you spiral out of focus on the game itself.

The players who flame you and ruin the game for you, you will most likely never see them again. So is it really worth insulting yourself and letting you guys ruin the gaming experience? […]. When it comes down to getting a higher rank, every game matters. You can win a game just by getting people [die flamen] ignored.

In the video, Broxah also managed to win a game by flaming him right at the start.

Similar tips on the subject of tilt were given in 2020 by LoL pro Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski, who has been on the road for G2 Esports in LoL for years and is also struggling with Flames in SoloQ:

LoL star shares wise tips on how to deal with the greatest enemy: the tilt
