The new midseason patch 13.10 has been released in League of Legends with many adjustments. One champion who benefits greatly from the new item changes is the ADC Kog’Maw. What he can do and which runes and items you play on him, we explain to you here.
The data is based on the Mobalytics site and refers to played matches in the platinum and higher category. Here, the runes and items with the highest win rate are summarized. (via Mobalystics, as of May 19, 2023)
Kog’Maw is an ADC that unfolds its strengths later in the game and is not easy to counter with its mix of magic and normal damage from tanks.
The best runes for Kog’Maw
Precision as the main tree
Determination as a secondary tree
Especially in the early game, Kog’Maw has to play calmly and survive, because he only becomes strong later. Through conditioning and growth you gain armor, magic resist, and permanent max life.
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The best summoner spells for Kog’Maw
The best items on Kog’Maw
Starting Items:
Most Important Items:
Guinsoo’s Rageblade: The best new Mythic item on Kog’Maw. Gives you stacking attack speed when attacking. You get AD and AP, which Kog’Maw can use both and most important: immense on-hit damage. His Mythic passive also gives you 5% armor and magic penetration for each legendary item.
Berserke’s Greaves: These shoes increase your attack speed.
Runaan’s Hurricane: Restores on-hit magic damage, movement speed, attack speed, and crit chance. In addition, your attacks can fire projectiles that hit up to 2 enemies. This gives you good wave clear.
Items to round off:
Krakenslayer: Another additional on-hit effect that is boosted if you continuously attack the same enemy.
Shield Bow of Immortality: Gives you good ADC values and through the lifesteal and passive shield, you increase your survivability.
Guardian Angel: You gain armor and are revived after dying. Gives you a new chance to deal damage in key team battles.
Depending on the situation:
End of wisdom: Gives you magic resistance and on-hit damage. Good against strong mages.
Randuin’s Omen: Gives you armor and life. The active effect of briefly slowing down enemies and the passive effects increase your defenses.
Titanic Hydra: Gives you wave clear with an on-hit effect. In combination with additional life, the item becomes stronger. Also a defensive alternative to something like Krakenslayer.
In the new patch 13.10, the Rift also welcomed 4 new items. We have summarized the new items in LoL for you.
The Abilities of Kog’Maw
skill order: R>W>Q>E
passives: If you die, you can still run for a short time and after 4 seconds Kog’Maw will explode.
Q: A projectile that reduces the target’s magic resistance and armor for a short time. Kog’Maw passively gains attack speed.
W: Attack range is increased and Kog’Maw deals magic damage based on a percentage of the target’s maximum health. Kog’Maw’s best ability. Deals on-hit damage himself and benefits from the on-hit damage of his items.
E: Kog’Maw creates a trail in front of him, damaging enemies hit and slowing all enemies in the trail.
R: Kog’Maw can shoot a missile from above at long range, dealing magic damage and having the ability to reveal targets. Low health targets take increased damage. The mana cost increases if you use the ability in quick succession.
Besides LoL, do you also play TFT? Then we have a guide for the slow roll in TFT for you.
Do you have any other tips for Kog’Maw in Patch 13.10? Write us in the comments.