League of Legend developers are planning a change to minions. League of legends minions haven’t changed for 14 years.
League of Legends is not a game that is stingy with releasing new champions or balancing patches. Despite this, the popular MOBA from Riot Games has one area that the developers haven’t fundamentally changed in 14 years: the Minions.
For which field is LoL planning the change? In a blog post on the official League of Legends website, Riot Games talked about a change to the minions that would radically change the MOBA (via leagueoflegends.com).
What are Minions? Minions are called in League of Legends the small NPCs that spawn during a match and move on the lanes in the direction of the opposing towers. Minions are AI driven and run down lanes until they find an enemy unit to attack.
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What is this change? Riot Games is planning some kind of separation of the minions on the lanes.
Developers “Riot Axes” and “Riot Phroxzon” spoke in the blog post about the “ADCs” and the “Fighters” and the changes both champion types have received in the recent past. The team now think that the two classes are in a fairly stable state, but that fine-tuning needs to be done in the future.
A way of fine-tuning the two classes is a “significant change to the structure of the mythical item structure for both item systems”. Another possibility that Riot Games is currently exploring, but not promising, is to differentiate the minions in lane.
[…] One of the possibilities we’re considering for preseason is creating a better way to better align roles against each other – differentiate the minions in each lane, for example.
Riot Games via leagueoflegends.com
Lane differentiation of minions isn’t the only big announcement League of Legends fans can look forward to. For example, a legendary director has announced that he is working on a live-action series on LoL esports. The series will have real actors and 40 episodes, each 45 minutes long.
A new LoL series is set in the real world of esports – Directed by a legendary director