LoL has finally ended the dominance of the 2 most hated champs: the fans are cheering

At League of Legends, viewers of e-sports professionals have been criticizing for years that the magical cat Yuumi goes against the grain. The heroine Zeri was also too dominant for many in the professional game of LoL. With the new patch 13.12, Riot Games has apparently managed to get both heroes under control.

What do viewers have against the two heroes?

  • The support, Yuumi, was intended to be a “rookie hero” that would allow newbies to attach themselves to an experienced player to do the walking for them. But the cat became overwhelming in the hands of professionals.
  • Zeri has been a popular meta pick on the botlane since launch.
  • Both characters were considered “too dominant”: They were played too often in the professional leagues. Mainly because they were even strengthened with patches 13.10 and 13.11. Viewers wanted more alternatives and variety from the pros. Yuumi in particular is simply hated for her way of playing.
  • The new champ is supposed to bring variety to LoL:

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    Riot specifically nerfs Yuumi and Zeri with patch 13.12

    What did Riot do? With the new patch, Riot explicitly announced 3 weeks ago that they wanted to heavily nerf both heroes in order to bring them below the 50% win rate. Especially in a duo, the two are too strong, you don’t want that.

    Therefore, the two champs were specifically nerfed:

  • Zeri’s passive has been nerfed, giving her a shield when dealing damage to shields. In addition, an item combo for the “Sheen” weapon and thus Trinity Force has been made worse
  • With the cat Yuumi, her skills became significantly worse at low levels
  • Yuumi and Zeri are rarely seen in the top leagues anymore

    Did that work now? Yes, apparently Riot Games has finally managed to make the pros mad at the two heroes.

    On Reddit, people cheer that Yuumi now appears much less frequently in the Chinese LPL league than before. That’s a big improvement when you watch games.

    Dotesports also reports a sharp drop in how often Zeri and Yuumi appear in the top leagues LPL and LCK: In the LCK, both were picked just once each in 26 games, which corresponds to an attendance rate of 3.8%.

    In the LPL, Yuumi made only 4 appearances in 65 games after the patch (6.2%), but Zeri did not appear at all.

    Also in the solo queue, the win rate of the two has fallen sharply. 45.75% for Yuumi, 46.68% for Zeri. So as desired below 50%.

    Seems like Riot has achieved its goal with the patch this time. It had already been announced: If this nerf is not enough, you will follow up.

    Apparently, Riot Games was also fed up with the two.

    One player called for even more drastic measures:

    One of the best players in the world demands that Riot delete a champ entirely from LoL
