Fnatic is a top favorite from the LEC, the European League of Legends league, and a former world champion. However, the team had made a couple of wrong decisions regarding their team roster over the winter, which has now denied them entry into the group stage of the Winter Split.
Where does Fnatic currently stand? Due to their poor performance in the games, they could only win two games. That wasn’t enough, denying them a chance to continue playing in the Winter Split.
In addition, there was a lot of criticism for the team because none of the star players could convince. Wunder and Rekkles couldn’t hold their own lanes. In a video on Twitter, Rekkles apologizes for his disastrous way of playing and assures improvement.
Now the team faces an important decision on how to prepare for the Spring Split. There is still a lot of time until then, but they have some catching up to do so that the spring split does not end like the winter season.
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Pro player analyzes Fnatic – gives tips to get better
What do other pro players think? Some pro players have spoken out regarding Fnatic’s poor performance. Specifically, Jankos, the Team Heretics jungler and former Rekkles teammate, looked at Fnatic and compared the team to the 2021 G2. He expresses this in a stream on Twitch. We have the video excerpt here for you:
Jankos talks about the Fnatic team
Fnatic have not yet decided on the two or the one “playmaker”. By this he means a key person around whom a team composition can be built. He also sees a potential problem in the strong personalities of the players. Both Rekkles, Humanoid and Wunder are players who know what they want and compete in it.
What is the problem with Rekkles? In addition, it was the wrong decision to sign ADC Rekkles and put the strong German player Upset on the bench. The team took this step because they had few other options. Because pretty much nobody wanted to play with the new supporter Rhuckz.
Only Rekkles took up the challenge, although he was only 5th or 6th in the list of priorities for the botlane. This is what the team manager of Aegis, a team from the LFL, revealed on Twitter:
Aegis Team Manager Lounet discusses Rekkle’s priority
Jankos also focuses on the individual style of play of the main actors. So he speaks of the well-known, solid style of play that Rekkles brings with him. The problem with this, however, is that it doesn’t fit into the current meta.
The current play tactics are characterized by flexibility on the botlane and that stands in the way of Rekkles’ old habits and safe playstyle. So many different characters are played, especially on the botlane. The most common combo is Ashe as a support, are champions looking for short fights like Varus, Zeri, and Jhin.
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Why doesn’t it work on the top plane? Then there’s Wunder’s style of play. The biggest WoW player from the LoL community, has always played champions on the top plane to support the team. However, the current meta requires top planners to play “Playmaker.”
This refers to champions who are proactive on the map and who can win team fights for their side. The champions include the characters K’Sante, Jax, and Camille. These are all characters that Wunderer hadn’t practiced that often before. That really bothers him in the current meta.
The tips that Jankos gives are either to look at the playing strengths of the individual players and play around with one or two, or to get more practice with the current tactics. They still have enough time for that before the spring split.
How do you feel about the possibilities of Fnatic? Tell us in the comments.
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