Faker became world champion in League of Legends for the fourth time. As is customary, T1 players will be allowed to determine which champions will receive special World 2023 skins. Faker now changed his champion again, which disappointed some fans.
On November 19th, T1 became world champions and Faker won the world title for the fourth time against Weibo Gaming with a clear 3-0.
Now the T1 players were allowed to choose which champion should receive a new special skin for Worlds 2023. Faker is known for almost never playing with skin. He rarely plays with a skin himself and prefers the standing version of his heroes.
Most recently, Faker chose a special skin for the friendly match against the German streamer team NNO Old: SKT T1-Azir.
But now he decided against his original decision, we’ll tell you why.
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Faker decides against Ahri and now chooses Orianna
Faker has changed his decision again for the Worlds 2023 skin, triggering a wave of disappointment among T1 fans. Faker originally announced that he would commemorate his fourth title with Ahri. But in a recent stream he revealed his choice: Orianna.
You can see the post from his teammate Gumayusi here:
After winning three Worlds skins in the past (Syndra, Ryze, Zed), Faker has a variety of mid laners to choose from. And the rule states that players can only choose skins for champions that they played during Worlds.
Some LoL players are celebrating the announced change, but others who are fans of Ahri and were hoping for the skin are disappointed. Ahri is one of the most popular champions in League of Legends and, including the prestige skins, now has 17 skins, which is really a lot in League of Legends.
This is exactly what Faker argued. His choice now fell on Orianna because Ahri already has a considerable number of skins. In contrast to her, Orianna has 11 skins. There could probably also be a reason that Orianna doesn’t have a legendary or prestige skin – even if the Worlds skins have never been legendary skins until now.
Some fans celebrate it, others are disappointed
Faker’s decision to give the skin to Orianna causes mixed feelings in the community.
We have summarized a few comments for you under Gumayusi’s X-Post about Faker’s decision:
Many players are also looking forward to the Orianna skin and feel the decision is better. Another player pointed out that Faker might want the Orianna skin for his grandmother, and Gumyusi responded: To be honest, I thought of that too.
The story behind it is: Faker’s grandmother’s favorite champion is Orianna, as Dack47 writes on X.
Ultimately, it is Faker’s decision which skin he wants to honor his fourth world title with. Keria is also obviously undecided about which champion to choose.
He started a vote on Instagram about his choice of champion: the two supporters Bard and Renata Glasc were available to choose from. He actually planned to choose Bard. It remains to be seen whether the decision will change anything.
For those pining for a Worlds skin for Ahri, hope remains that Faker might take home a 5th World title.
What do you think of the change? Feel free to write it to us in the comments.
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