LoL even permanently bans superstars from the best server in the world to solve a problem

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The League of Legends MOBA is played worldwide, but the best server is considered to be South Korea: players from all over the world flock to the South Korean server to compete with the top LCK players like Faker. But Riot Games is putting a stop to 2023: Players are mercilessly banned from the server, even South Korean superstars like β€œThe Shy.”

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Betting on solo queue games is rampant, becoming a problem

That’s the problem: Trouble is spreading in LoL, as in Valorant: people have started making money bets on the outcome of games in solo queue, especially when the match involves pro and star players.

This leads to the manipulation of games and spoils the opportunity for professionals to train properly.

Riot Games has therefore issued a tough new rule: Anyone who does not live in South Korea will be permanently banned from the South Korean server.

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Riot is kicking out any pro from Solo-Q in South Korea who doesn’t live in South Korea

This has these effects: Riot Games is so serious about this ban wave that even South Korean star player Kang “TheShy” Seung-lok, a former world champion, has now been banned.

Because TheShy comes from South Korea and was born there, but continued his career in the Chinese LPL. Despite being a big name in the South Korean solo queue and having grown up in South Korea, he has now been permanently banned from the server as seen in a clip live of him attempting to get back onto the servers.

Other South Koreans playing in China, such as Ruler, are also affected by the ban.

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Riot says (via twitter):

  • Many solo accounts loaned to foreign professionals would have been withdrawn in 2023.
  • Anyone who comes to South Korea specifically to do bootcamping there will be loaned an account – but only for the time the professional is in Korea.
  • LoL at a high level can pay off:

    24-year-old pro proudly reveals what he bought from 7 years of LoL
