Riot Games regularly revamps their champions in League of Legends. This happens with champions that are rarely played or whose role and abilities don’t work the way Riot wants them to. Unfortunately, this also affects players who only mainen these champions.
What happened? With patch 13.11 on June 1, 2023, Ivern received a revision or small improvements. The Midscope update planned by Riot was scrapped when too many players complained about the planned changes.
However, the final buffs from Ivern still do not satisfy everyone, as a Challenger Ivern player now describes on Reddit.
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Not a single change was good
In his Reddit post, garbocan, a challenger Ivern OTP, complains about the changes. OTP stands for One Trick Pony and describes players who only play a single champion. He describes himself as Ivern’s biggest fan.
After 2 months and over 350 matches with the “new” Ivern, his opinion on the update is very negative. Riot buffed 3 skills from him. At the same time they are said to have removed his counterplay.
He describes the updates to Ivern as a catastrophic failure that should be undone. He details why he doesn’t like the changes to his W, E, and R.
If you’re interested in how some champions used to be, check out our list of 5 reworks in LoL.
What does he think is so bad? Garbocan is not only concerned with the changes for Ivern players, but also with the new problems when playing against Ivern.
W ability:
R ability
In general, what seems to bother him most is that Ivern has become stronger, but at the expense of tactical opportunities both on his own side and on the enemy side.
Whether Riot will change anything or even roll back the updates is debatable, as Ivern’s unusual passive ability to share buffs with his mates now applies to every jungler.
Meanwhile, a LoL developer comments on players’ ability to understand patch notes.