“Løkke loves the political game”

Lokke loves the political game

Published: Less than 30 min ago

Things are going well for Lars Løkke Rasmussen, but the probability that he would once again become Denmark’s prime minister is considered very small.

However, it may be he who decides who it will be.

The main explanation for the public opinion success of the new Moderate party is Lars Løkke Rasmussen himself, believes Erik Holstein, political commentator at the Altinget newspaper.

– He is incredibly good at creating attention around him. He is a very skilled tactician and he is good in the party leader debates.

The media love a success story and the Moderates’ opportunity to be the tip of the iceberg between the two political blocs increases media interest even more. In addition, Løkke’s profile area, the problems in Danish healthcare, has become a major election issue.

Has healthcare expertise

– The Danish healthcare sector has major problems and in that area Løkke has great expertise, he has been Minister of the Interior and Health. He knows a lot about the area and has suggestions on what to do, says Holstein.

The voters who flock to him are believed to come mainly from his old party Venstre as well as from the Conservatives, who have had major setbacks during the election campaign.

Lars Løkke Rasmussen says he wants to break up bloc politics and see a centrist government in Denmark. In an interview at the beginning of the week, he specified it in more detail and said that it would be best if the foundation of the next Danish government consisted of the Moderates, the Social Democrats and the Liberals.

“Sets the goal high”

But he refuses to say who he would prefer as prime minister. Erik Holstein says he is sure that Løkke himself would like to become one.

– He loves the political game and when he plays, he sets the goal high. If he could somehow have a chance to become one, I think he is prepared to give up a lot of political principles.

But he sees such an outcome as highly unlikely. Mette Frederiksen (S) does not accept being part of a government without becoming prime minister herself. And on the far right there are three parties that would never accept Løkke as prime minister: Danmarksdemokraterne, Nye borgerlige and Dansk folkeparti, notes Holstein.

“Political chameleon”

If you look back at Løkke’s political career, there are many weaknesses to point out, he believes. It is partly about a long series of revelations about how he let the party or the taxpayers cover private expenses, partly about how he changed his position time and again on heavy political issues. Holstein describes him as a “political chameleon”.

– He has had almost every imaginable political position on various issues and has swung in line with what was opportune.
