Appearing as a high-end gaming headset Logitech G Pro It comes with features that will meet the expectations of professional players. Let’s give the details of the device, which can be used both wired and wireless.
Logitech, one of the first brands that comes to mind when it comes to gaming accessories, produces products that game enthusiasts will never miss. Logitech, which produces accessories for both professionals and gamers, held an event in Turkey last year, and we attended this event.
New products of the Logitech G Pro family were launched at the event, and we had the opportunity to experience these products for the first time at that event. Following the event, Logitech sent us new gaming accessories to test. We would like to share with you the Logitech G Pro X 2 experience, which is the first of the new gaming accessories. In the coming days, we will also introduce you to the testing of the Logitech G Pro X 2 Superlight mouse and Logitech G Pro X 2 mechanical gaming keyboard.