Löfven and Westerberg warn of SD

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Stefan Löfven, former S leader and prime minister, and Bengt Westerberg, party leader of the People’s Party (now the Liberals) 1983–1995, warn of stagnant democratization and growing authoritarian forces around the world.

“Attacks against democracy also occur here,” they write DN Debate and points to the Sweden Democrats.

“An increased influence for SD definitely risks leading to the destruction of important democratic values,” they write, and exemplify restrictions on the freedom of movement of public services, cuts in the amount of billions in the public cultural budgets and questioning of diversity in various respects.

“However, nothing is predetermined,” continue Löfven and Westerberg, referring to the election case.

“To meet the threats to democracy, and other challenges, a broad political collaboration is required,” they write. According to Löfven and Westerberg, it is Magdalena Andersson (S) and Annie Lööf (C) who have shown such insight.

Bengt Westerberg recently announced that he will vote for the Center Party in the parliamentary elections. The reason why he does not vote for the Liberals is the party’s attitude towards the Sweden Democrats.
