Lockwood & co: what is Netflix’s new fantasy series about?

Lockwood co what is Netflixs new fantasy series about

Lockwood & Co. is an eight-episode supernatural series released on January 27, 2023 on Netflix. We tell you more about this new binge-watcher program.

Lockwood & Co. is a new series to discover on netflix from this Friday, January 27, 2023. This is an adaptation of a series of books for teenagers written by Jonathan Stroud. The eight episodes follow three teenagers, Lucy Carlyle, Anthony Lockwood and George Karim who have founded their adult-free business of hunting ghosts and supernatural creatures.

In the cast of Lockwood & Co.Netflix subscribers will recognize Ruby Stokes, who briefly played Francesca in the first two seasons of The Bridgerton Chronicle. She is accompanied by young actors Cameron Chapman and Ali Hadji-Heshmati. Ben Crompton, who played Edd Tollett in Game Of Thronescompletes the distribution.
