The region’s public school board reached attempted contract agreements with the provincial union representing its high school teachers, educational support staff and student services personnel.

The region’s public school board reached attempted contract agreements with the provincial union representing its high school teachers, educational support staff and student services personnel.
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Contract details will remain confidential until both parties complete their respective ratification processes next month.
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“Reaching these attempted collective agreements exemplifies the board’s commitment to fostering an environment that values and prioritizes the invaluable contributions of our team towards enhancing student outcomes,” Avon Maitland District school board superintendent of human resource services Laura Marotta said in a release. “Our bargaining team expresses sincere appreciation to the staff representatives for their unwavering commitment and collaborative approach.”
All parties maintained a spirit of mutual respect and co-operation throughout the negotiation process, school board officials said, underscoring the shared goal of advancing outcomes for all public secondary school students within Perth and Huron counties. Discussions were “constructive, with thoughtful consideration of various perspectives and a genuine dedication to the well-being of our staff and students alike,” board officials added.
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The attempted agreement means teachers, students and the community “can feel confident that the supports learners need will be there,” said Carrie de Graaf, president of the Ontario Secondary Schools Teachers’ Federation District 8 bargaining unit that represents more than 600 children and youth workers, designated early childhood educators, educational assistants, office/clerical staff and tech/TRA staff. “Despite challenges from a provincial funding model that continues to short change the public education system in our province, our members remain committed to being a vital part of the educational team.”
Terri Corriveau said the 12 attendance counselors, speech-language pathologists and psychologists/psychometrists at Avon Maitland District high schools “provide vital supports.”
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“We are pleased that the employer has worked with us to ensure the continued success of our students,” the OSSTF District 8 professional student services personnel president said. “While the services we provide are woefully underfunded, we are pleased with the outcome of this round of negotiations and look forward to bringing this attempted agreement to our members for a ratification vote in the coming weeks.”
The attempted agreements, if ratified, would complete the local portion of the two-pronged contract talks, as per the School Board Collective Bargaining Act. The central portion of the agreement is currently in the provincial arbitration process.
“Discussions were as productive as possible, given the profound impacts of continued reductions in provincial education funding affecting school boards across the province,” said Maureen Matchett, president of the OSSTF District 8 unit that represents more than 400 secondary teachers, secondary occasional teachers and continuing education teachers. “Both sides did their best to work around funding restrictions to find a path forward that supports student learning and that benefits workers.”
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