Local politician Oksana Pohomiy was hunted by the FSB: “It was scary”

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Local politician Oksana Pohomiy takes freedom in Kherson with joy. But the time before the liberation was hard – despite the fact that she did what she considered important to carry on the struggle. From underground, she reported on the Russian occupation of the city.

– I made videos that contained the truth about what happened in Kherson, the truth about what happened to the patriots here in Kherson, she says.

It has been a difficult mental trial for the people of Kherson, some have hardly dared to go out to avoid meeting the Russians in the street. Oksana compares it to George Orwell’s book “1984”, which is about a society ruled by an oligarchic socialist dictatorship.

– It was de facto what happened here but even more horrible, she says.

Hear her talk about what it was like to live in Kherson under Russian control.
