Local Chip Coming with Arçelik and YongaTek Collaboration

Local Chip Coming with Arcelik and YongaTek Collaboration

Held on July 26 HIT-30 High Technology Investment Program Turkey’s plans and investments in the field of high-technology product production were explained. While the high-technology areas to be invested in were announced within the scope of the program, developments regarding white goods chips, which Arçelik and Yongatek are currently working on, were also declared. Arcelik and YongaTek collaboration The domestic chip is coming, here are the details.

Local Chip Coming with Arçelik and YongaTek Collaboration

Organized by the Ministry of Industry and Technology HIT-30 High Technology Investment Program Within the scope of the domestic chips that Arçelik and Yongatek worked together were introduced. Within the scope of the Pre-Competition Cooperation Support Program of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, the two companies in question made a collaboration and started to develop chips for use in white goods.

Aforementioned Local chips Arçelik, who made a statement about the ministry, announced that a partnership was established with YongaTek within the scope of the ministry’s support program and that work was started to produce domestic chips. This chip agreement started in April and the work was completed A 2-year process The design of domestic chips has been under development since April and preliminary work has been completed to move on to the testing phase.

In Which Areas Will Domestic Chips Be Used?

Arcelik and local chip company YongaTek’s The chips that it introduced were designed with the financial support received from the ministry within the scope of the Pre-Competition Cooperation Support Program. These domestic chips Small household appliances produced by Arçelik, It is stated that it will be used in consumer electronics, white goods, kitchen accessories, etc. The design rights of the chips in question will belong to Turkey and the first prototypes are expected to emerge in 2025.

1722066693 792 Local Chip Coming with Arcelik and YongaTek Collaboration

Ministry of Industry and Technology At the introductory meeting, certificates were presented to companies, including Arçelik and YongaTek, that add value to our country and have an important place in the development of industry and technology. HIT 30 Program Investments to be made in the field of high-tech production were included within the scope. We have published content on our website regarding which areas will receive investment in this regard; those who are interested from here can look.

Organized by the Ministry HIT 30 High Technology Incentive Program It is aimed to make our country an important chip production center. In this context, with the investments to be given to domestic technology companies, chip production will be supported and Turkey is expected to attract major investment in this area. Within the scope of the program, a $5 billion incentive package has been created for at least one industrial-sized chip manufacturing factory.
