LKAB is to invest in eastern Malmberget – different views on how

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Gällivare municipality and LKAB met for talks on Thursday to discuss how to solve the problems with eastern Malmberget. After the meeting, the parties each sent out a press release, the content of which differed somewhat.

According to Gällivare municipality, LKAB has announced that it is now willing to step in with extra funds to replace the impact from the mine. LKAB writes that it is something they have wanted to do for many years.

The municipality wants to see turnkey

Furthermore, different views on how the funds should be used are stated. According to LKAB, it is about investments in the municipal infrastructure to improve the living environment.

Gällivare municipality believes that “the funds should of course be used for a turnkey solution”. This means that the residents should be able to exchange their houses for new houses. This is rejected by LKAB, which believes that the 144 villas in eastern Malmberget do not need to be demolished because of the mining.

In the clip, Gällivare municipal councilor Birgitta Larsson (S) and LKAB’s press manager Anders Lindberg present the different points of view.
