Liz Truss will go down in history as Britain’s shortest-serving prime minister, but the resignation will not end the country’s political chaos

Liz Truss will go down in history as Britains shortest serving

Now the big question is whether the Conservative Party will be able to unite and find a new leader, writes journalist Minna Pye, who has followed British politics for a long time, in her analysis.

Just yesterday Liz Truss assured parliament that he is a fighter who will not give up. Today, the humiliation experienced by the new prime minister culminated when he appeared in front of the British media to tell about his resignation.

Now the turmoil of Truss’s administration is culminating in the fact that he remains the shortest-serving prime minister in the country’s history.

British politics have been in chaos for the past few weeks. Just three and a half months ago, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation.

Today, Liz Truss, chosen as the new prime minister by the members of the Conservative Party, announced her resignation. Why was Truss, despite his strict words, unable to hold the post of Prime Minister?

The tax cuts for the rich caused a stir

The problems came to a head on September 23, when Truss’s appointment as Minister of Finance Kwasi Kwarteng announced its budget proposal. In it, the Truss administration promised massive tax cuts, including for the wealthiest, in a situation where Britain is struggling with a long-term rise in prices.

The tax cuts for the rich shocked the British struggling with economic difficulties, but the market also reacted violently to them. In a difficult economic situation, tax cuts were considered absurd, so the exchange rate of the pound fell to a record low.

Truss reversed the tax cuts and changed his Chancellor of the Exchequer, but they did not save the Prime Minister. He had lost his credibility and his ability to control his own conservative party.

The situation worsened last night, when Suella Braverman resigned as Home Secretary, apparently after a heated confrontation with Prime Minister Truss.

Last night, in connection with the parliamentary vote, the ranks of the conservatives were already so confused that the party did not know whether the chairman of the parliamentary group had resigned. The evening culminated in a fistfight between Conservative MPs in Parliament.

British politics in deep crisis

Today, calls for Truss’s resignation intensified, with the Prime Minister making the decision after meeting the chairman of the influential Conservative group.

However, Truss’ resignation does not end the chaos of British politics. The big question now is whether the Conservative Party can unite and find a new leader. The omens do not look good, as the political chaos of the last few weeks has torn the party’s ranks apart.

British politics has never been in such a deep crisis before. The most worrying thing here is that the country’s situation is more serious than it has been in years.

The Conservative Party is divided

In Britain, the rise in prices has continued since the autumn of last year and it will drive millions of Britons into poverty next winter. When an ordinary Briton has to choose whether to heat his food or his house, he would hope that the Conservative Party that rules the country would be able to choose a new leader.

It doesn’t look easy, because the finance minister, who is considered to be the early favorite Jeremy Hunt already announced that he is not available for the job.

Prime Minister Liz Truss, elected by party members, was unable to lead the country, as she did not gain the trust of MPs or the market.

Now the party should be able to find a way out of the crisis by finding a new leader. The task is not easy in a situation where the factions of the party are arguing with each other.

An early election could be ahead, which would be a risk for the Conservatives, as the turmoil of the past few weeks has boosted support for Labour.

More on the topic:

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