Liz Truss at the heart of a controversy over the human rights report and Rwanda

Liz Truss at the heart of a controversy over the

Liz Truss accused of delaying human rights report due to criticism of Rwanda, where UK asylum seekers were to be sent, amid race to land UK PM United, in accordance with a migration agreement. But the first flight supposed to take 37 asylum seekers to Rwanda from the UK has been canceled due to legal challenges.

With our correspondent in London, Sidonie Gaucher

She is 32 points ahead of his competitor Rishi Sunak, according to a recent survey. And there are only two short weeks left before the victory of the next Downing Street tenant.

Did Liz Truss try to save time?

Did Foreign Secretary Liz Truss try to buy time by withholding a report? This calls into question the practices of Rwanda, where asylum seekers from the United Kingdom could be sent, “ the time that their file is processed “. Problem: the country is accused in this report of recruiting refugees to carry out armed operations in neighboring countries “. A lawsuit is underway against the government’s attempts to keep secret other comments alleging arbitrary detention, state surveillance, torture and even murder.


Another problem: Liz Truss gives her full support to this migration agreement, she even plans to extend it. But she had asked the High Court to grant her public interest immunity so as not to disclose certain passages which she said could harm international relations and national security if made public. The report in question was due before the holidays.

Listen: UK and Rwanda defend their plan on asylum seekers
