LIVE. War in Ukraine: Russian forces surround Kiev and block Mariupol

LIVE War in Ukraine Russian forces surround Kiev and block

For Moscow, the sanctions could cause the fall of the ISS. Western sanctions introduced against Russia could cause the fall of the International Space Station, said this Saturday Dmitry Rogozin, the head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, asking for their lifting.

The Russian army surrounds Kiev and blocks Mariupol. Russian forces are positioned around Kiev this Saturday morning and “block” Mariupol, where thousands of people are under devastating siege, in southern Ukraine. After twelve days of siege, Mariupol, strategic port, is without water, without gas, without electricity, without communications, and one saw there these last days people fighting for food. An “almost hopeless” situation, alerted Doctors Without Borders (MSF).

The humanitarian crisis is spreading. More than 2.5 million people have fled Ukraine, 116,000 of whom are third-country nationals, since the Russian invasion began on February 24, according to figures released Friday by the United Nations. To these are added about two million people displaced inside the country, said the head of the UN agency for refugees, Filippo Grandi.
