Live streamer points a gun and threatens a critic – Reported but Twitch does nothing for a month

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A streamer on Twitch named G5_Sin has reacted extremely aggressively to criticism of his methods. He pointed a gun live on Twitch and threatened another streamer that he would be taken to New York and beaten up on the street. The threatened streamer reported to G5_Sin, but didn’t hear from Twitch for a month. Then the ban came after a larger streamer drilled.

What was the streamer criticized for?

  • G5_Sin is a small streamer on Twitch averaging around 40 viewers who seems to be using some strange methods to grow
  • For example, G5_Sin is said to enter into “look me, then I’ll see you” deals with even smaller streamers, but not necessarily stick to the deals. It’s called a “support for support” streamer
  • A colleague of the streamer, JTX_Live, who also entertains around 40 viewers, has addressed and criticized this behavior in YouTube videos. He has dealt with dubious methods of how some streamers want to grow – for example through false giveaways (via youtube).
  • Streamers on Twitch have been banned for misconduct:

    The 5 biggest Twitch bans that caused quite a stir

    Streamer reacts to criticism of him with a clear threat of violence

    This is how G5_Sin reacted: The streamer identified himself as a rap star on a stream and addressed the critic directly. This is reported by the Kotaku website. Videos of the incidents have since been deleted:

    JTX I’m gonna beat the shit out of you so hard your momma will cry bro. And if you don’t have a mother – you bum, I’ll make your next of kin cry.

    The streamer also said about the UK streamer

    I’m gonna fly this motherfucker to New York City, to Manhattan. There’s no police there. I’m flying this guy to Manhattan and I’m taking him down a side street – you cops think it’s itchy if I beat him up?

    Briton so threatened reports streamer – But Twitch does nothing for a month

    This is how JTX reacted: He reported these streams to Twitch. The British streamer said: He was indeed planning to fly to the US but after the threats he was being more careful about who he gave an address to.

    He also didn’t want behavior like threatening violence in response to criticism to just get away on Twitch. Such behavior can frighten other users so much that they disappear from Twitch forever, believes JTX.

    Twitch’s ban policy is getting more and more ridiculous

    Here’s how Twitch reacted: They didn’t do anything for a month.

    G5 was able to broadcast for a month and explain on Twitter that he didn’t even draw the gun as a threat: one would have to ask a lot more what JTX did in the first place for someone to react to him in this way. The video had been edited unfavorably.

    Only when a larger streamer dealt with the case and asked critically on Twitter why the streamer was not yet banned did the Twitch ban suddenly come.

    BBjess has about 640 viewers on average.

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    Twitch is once again reacting strongly to pressure from social media

    This is so strange: The strange thing about the incident is that Twitch does seem to be very responsive to social media pressure: if anything receives even a modicum of pressure from Twitter, Twitch seems to respond immediately and issue bans or revoke them:

    The prioritization of when a ban occurs also seems questionable:

    If there are a lot of “little things” that get attention, Twitch bans immediately. For example, if there are even small violations of the platform’s abstruse clothing rules

    But of all things, in such a serious case that weapons are shown, Twitch seems to have a really long line.

    This is also so worrying because Twitch has already been linked to rampages and attacks.

    But apparently showing a weapon isn’t a major problem for Twitch – while if you have a bit of bare bottom or – God forbid – the beginning of a chest, you immediately swing the ban hammer.

    Sometimes the bans are very strange:

    Twitch bans streamer because of her daughter
