#Live session of Duo du Bas and La Mal Coiffée

# SessionLive1 Our 1st guests are called Duo du Bas. They release the album The Giants (La Criée Prod)

The Duo Du Bas, it’s two women’s voices.

One is Breton, the other comes from the Basque Country.

When they met, Helene Jaquelot and Elsa Corre exchanged fragments of their lives.

They have passed on to one another the songs encountered at home or during travels.

Together, they continued to peck and a Tour de Chant was born.

A mosaic where each song is a story, a language and an invitation to travel.

Then curious to go and taste other languages, other sounds, they gleaned from their neighbors from elsewhere, cooking with them, songs to put in the mouth. They also explored the world of cooking by diverting utensils and objects from everyday life to make percussions and elements of storytelling.

This is how Casseroles, their last show, was born.

In parallel with their artistic proposals, the Duo Du Bas leads numerous cooking and singing workshops, constantly placing orality, the encounter and the stories of women at the heart of their project where the artistic, the cultural and the social do one.

Bottom duo.

Their new album is called The Giants : Songs for found objects and non-ordinary characters.

This story looks like a fairy tale, where each stage of the journey is an encounter with a character as marvelous as he is strange … On his way, Duo Du Bas met 7 giants. Each has its own whim, its peculiarity, its beauty and its response to life. Each has offered them an enchanted world where very often play is king and childhood is king.

Titles performed at RFI (to find on the album The Giants)

– Old

– Santa Monica

– Closet.


– Hélène Jaquelot, vocals, percussion

– Elsa Corre, vocals, percussion.

His : Fabien Mugneret, Benoît Letirant.

La Mal Coiffée.

Then it’s time for the 2nd #SessionLive with La Mal Coiffée for the album release Roge (Sirventès label)

Rogé, this 6th disc of the Languedoc polyphonic quartet marks a desire to anchor in the poetic writings of the movements of cultural emancipation which resonate between Occitania and the colonies of the French Empire. Alongside the texts and music of Laurent Cavalié, the musicians sublimate the texts of Claude alranq, David Grosclaude, Auguste Foures, Jean Boudou, authors engaged in a thought of resistance to the crushing of popular cultures. Their voice and percussion music continues to trace its path between the colors of popular Languedoc singing, and the invention of an imaginary, raw polyphony.

Since the beginning of the group, we have envisioned ourselves as a piece of the world, a fragment of culture, a vector of language. As human cultures level off with media power and societies crumble into digital solitudes, we strive to fabricate scraps of identity. Tell us about it? It is to be rebellious. Thus, we hope to meet all those who are thirsty for particular stories, whether they are from here or there. Inspired by all these peasants who understood that it was necessary to stay away from industry and mass distribution if they wanted to feed the world properly, we are trying to stay away from dominant cultural models. Our language ? It is that of the beasts and the humble. It is at the same time the language of poetic reconquest of an autochthonous thought, enjoyment and musical instrument.

Live titles performed by La Mal Coiffée

– Flors Terrenalas Live RFI

The Mar de las Galeras (from the album Roge)

Pim pam see the clip.

La Mal Coiffée.


– Karine Berny : Singing, bombo leguero, pétadou

– Myriam Boisserie : Singing, pétadou, monochord

– Marie Coumes : Vocals

– Laëtitia Dutech : Singing, adufe, bendir, tambourines, drum, monochord.

