LIVE. Result of the 2024 legislative elections: a final Council of Ministers before the second round

LIVE Result of the 2024 legislative elections a final Council

06:35 – Last Council of Ministers before the second round

This Wednesday morning, Emmanuel Macron is holding a final Council of Ministers before the second round of the legislative elections. On Tuesday, Marine Le Pen had warned against “an administrative coup d’état” by the Macron camp. According to her, a wave of appointments will be made during the Council of Ministers, whether at the head of the police, the gendarmerie, but also prefects or ambassadors during this Council of Ministers, with the aim of “preventing Jordan Berdella from governing”. The Élysée called on the former president of the RN “to remain calm and measured”.

02/07/24 – 22:45 – Dominique Strauss-Kahn’s appeal to the right

END OF LIVE – For the former head of the IMF, we must go and vote on Sunday for La France Insoumise “even if we hold our noses”, he declared on LCI on Tuesday evening. “I was the first on television to say [en 2002, ndlr.]you have to go and vote for Jacques Chirac even if you hold your nose, there, I say the same thing”, he let slip, stressing nevertheless that he does not “like the extreme part” of La France insoumise. Whereas more than twenty years ago, “the left [avait] understood that we had to vote for Chirac, today, it is the symmetrical situation, the right must understand”, he insisted, considering that democratic life is “at stake”.
