LIVE. Marine Le Pen calls for a debate on public finances in Parliament – ​​L’Express

LIVE Marine Le Pen calls for a debate on public

The denouement is approaching in the quest for a Prime Minister. Emmanuel Macron is receiving Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand on Monday, whose names are being persistently cited for Matignon, as well as François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy as part of consultations to find a personality who will not be immediately censored by a majority of deputies.

Key information to remember

⇒ Bernard Cazeneuve arrived at the Elysée at 8:45 a.m.

⇒ François Hollande received at 11 a.m. and Nicolas Sarkozy at 12:15 p.m.

⇒ Faure wants to censor “any form of continuity with Macronism”

Cazeneuve, the first at the Elysée

Received first at 8:45 a.m., the former socialist Prime Minister is now the favorite to return to Matignon even if nothing has been decided nearly two months after the legislative elections which resulted in a National Assembly without a majority.

READ ALSO: Cazeneuve, Macron’s Prime Minister? Complicity, betrayal… The untold story of their relationship

“Bernard Cazeneuve is not asking for it, but if he does it is out of duty and to avoid additional difficulties for the country,” his entourage explained on Sunday.

An appointment on Tuesday?

Emmanuel Macron, who could make this appointment on Tuesday, is looking for a Prime Minister who could not be immediately censured in the National Assembly. It was by putting forward this reason that he rejected the appointment of Lucie Castets, presented by the parties of the New Popular Front (LFI-PS-Ecologistes-PCF), a left-wing alliance that came out on top in the last legislative elections.

READ ALSO: “Lucie Castets or death”: an aberrant constitutional theory, by Denys de Béchillon

But Emmanuel Macron also wants the central bloc to be part of the future majority. “We must invent a 3rd form of the Fifth Republic: neither coalition nor cohabitation,” according to his entourage.

Bompard (LFI) wants to censor “any government other than that of Lucie Castets”

“Bernard Cazeneuve is not supported by any of the country’s four left-wing parties,” assured LFI coordinator Manuel Bompard on Sunday, reaffirming his desire to censure “any government other than that of Lucie Castets.”

READ ALSO: NFP-Macron, the standoff continues: the Lombard rumor, the pressure from the Insoumis, Hollande furious

Faure wants to censor “any form of continuity with Macronism”

Invited to the BFMTV morning show, the leader of the socialists, Olivier Faure, criticized the possibility of Bernard Cazeneuve arriving at Matignon. “I don’t know in the name of what Bernard Cazeneuve will speak to the president (…) The French have asked for change, for breaks with the policies led by Emmanuel Macron. We will censor any form of continuity with Macronism,” he reacted.

Hollande and Sarkozy at the Elysée

Received at 11:00, François Hollande should not dissuade Emmanuel Macron from appointing Bernard Cazeneuve, unlike Nicolas Sarkozy who is expected at 12:15. The former president wants a “right-wing Prime Minister” and believes that Xavier Bertrand would be “a good choice”.

Xavier Bertrand does not have Wauquiez’s support

The 59-year-old president of Hauts-de-France, who has made no secret of the fact that he is interested in the position, will succeed him in Emmanuel Macron’s office.

But this supporter of a Gaullist and social right does not have the support of the leaders of the Republicans, led by Laurent Wauquiez, who want to arrive as opponents in the 2027 presidential election and refuse any coalition or participation in the future government.

Le Pen calls for debate on public finances in Parliament

The leader of the National Rally deputies, Marine Le Pen, renewed on Monday her request for an extraordinary session of Parliament in September, the agenda of which should, according to her, include “a debate on public finances”, before examining the budget in the process.

READ ALSO: “Narrow room for maneuver”: Brussels expects France to take a turn on public finances

“It is intolerable that parliamentarians are not meeting in an extraordinary session,” wrote Marine Le Pen in an open letter, published on the social network X, addressed to the other group leaders of the National Assembly and the Senate.

Last week, after an interview at the Elysée with Emmanuel Macron, she had already asked that Parliament be convened to sit before the appointment of a new Prime Minister. Which will in any case be necessary so that the new head of government, whose appointment seems imminent, can deliver his general policy speech.
