LIVE. Macron’s impeachment procedure passes first stage in the Assembly – L’Express

LIVE Macrons impeachment procedure passes first stage in the Assembly

After having received the leaders of the right again at Matignon on Monday, Michel Barnier has an appointment on September 17 with the communists, as part of his consultations. The composition of his government is still expected for this week.

At the same time, the Assembly’s bureau ruled on Tuesday morning on the admissibility of the procedure for the impeachment of the president launched by La France Insoumise. The PS deputies decided not to obstruct a debate in the Assembly, but made it known that they would vote against this procedure “doomed to failure”.

Key information to remember

⇒ The National Assembly office validated a proposal to impeach Macron

⇒ Coquerel and de Courson will go to Matignon to demand the ceiling letters

⇒ Barnier continues his consultations

The National Assembly office validates a proposal to impeach Emmanuel Macron

A proposal to impeach Emmanuel Macron, supported by LFI, passed its first stage in the Assembly on Tuesday. By 12 votes to 10 (the 12 votes of the NFP), the procedure was deemed admissible by the Assembly’s bureau, which referred it to the Law Commission, according to the leader of the Union of the Right for the Republic group, Eric Ciotti. The socialist deputies had decided on Monday to support holding a debate, while warning that they would ultimately vote against the text.

The leader of the LFI group, Mathilde Panot, immediately welcomed this “unprecedented event in the history of the Fifth Republic” on X, giving “an appointment soon in the Laws Committee to discuss it”. However, the approach has very little chance of succeeding, as the left is in the minority in the committee, as in the hemicycle, where the dismissal must be approved by two-thirds of parliamentarians. This would require the support of the National Rally, whose leader Marine Le Pen denigrated a “smoke screen maneuver” by the “extreme left” to “try to make people forget its multiple compromises with Macronie”. In the presidential camp, the former Prime Minister and leader of the Renaissance deputies Gabriel Attal declared during the meeting of the Assembly bureau that “this motion and this debate (are) a declaration of war on our institutions”, describing its authors as “agents of permanent destabilization”.

READ ALSO: Macron’s dismissal: the text that tests the unity of the New Popular Front

The negative impact of political uncertainty on businesses

More than half (51%) of SME/VSE managers believe that the climate of political uncertainty since the dissolution has had a “strong” negative impact on their business, according to the quarterly barometer published today by Bpifrance Le Lab and Rexecode. A total of 3,642 people were surveyed from August 22 to September 3, at the height of the two-month wait between the early legislative election and Michel Barnier’s appointment to Matignon on September 5. According to this study, 36 and 28% of bosses who had investment projects postponed them, while 20 and 21% cancelled them. For comparison, “these proportions are close” to those recorded in the fall of 2020 before the second Covid-related lockdown.

Budget: Eric Coquerel and Charles de Courson at Matignon to demand ceiling letters

The chairman of the Finance Committee of the National Assembly, Eric Coquerel, has announced that he will be going to Matignon this afternoon to request the ceiling letters setting the credits of the ministries within the framework of the 2025 budget project. He will be accompanied by the Committee’s general rapporteur, Charles de Courson.

Prime Minister Michel Barnier explained in a letter sent “very late” Monday evening to Eric Coquerel that the budget would be “built on the basis of these ceiling letters”, adopted by the outgoing government and communicated to the ministries on August 20, explained the LFI deputy in a press release sent to AFP. In this letter, the head of government promises to communicate to him by the end of the week “a provisional version” of the “offprint”, a report summarizing the amount of credits by mission and the general orientations of the budget, drawn up on the basis of these ceiling letters and whose transmission was normally planned before July 15. “I therefore consider that it is not my duty to wait another week to obtain a document on the working basis of the budget sent to the ministries for almost a month! I will therefore go […] to Matignon to obtain them,” said Eric Coquerel.

READ ALSO: Budget 2025: Scenarios that raise fears of fiscal chaos

Michel Barnier continues his consultations

After receiving yesterday afternoon the leaders of his party, Gérard Larcher, Laurent Wauquiez and Bruno Retailleau, the Prime Minister will receive this Tuesday at Matignon the representatives of the communist party, Fabien Roussel, Cécile Cukierman and Stéphane Peu. David Lisnard, mayor (LR) of Cannes and president of the Association of Mayors of France, is also due to meet Michel Barnier during the day.
