PROVINCE OF UTRECHT – In this live blog we will keep you informed about the national day of action for Giro555. There are countless actions in our region. For example, a truck is being prepared in Woerden to go to the Ukrainian border. And in Zeist, pets of refugees have already been taken care of.
You can also hear updates about the promotion all day long on Radio M Utrecht. And tonight’s UNieuws also pays attention to it.
9.14 am Collecting takes place in Montfoort
In Montfoort, a large industrial hall where concrete anchors are normally made has now been transformed into a place where there is plenty of collection for Ukraine. “It is huge what is collected,” says Sabrina van Leur. Ten pallets have already been filled with clothing and toys, among other things. “All of Montfoort is taking action”, Sven adds.
Sabrina still remembers the moment when she decided to take action. “That was the moment I saw the video in which a man had to leave his family at the border to fight. We sat on the couch and said: we have to do something.”
A bus from Ukraine with disabled children and their mothers will also arrive in Montfoort tomorrow. Part of the collected items is therefore intended for them. The other part goes to the border of Ukraine. It doesn’t stop there. “We also want to take in refugees ourselves,” says Sabrina. According to her, at least thirty residents of Montfoort are planning the same.

08.31 am Courier company from Woerden goes to Polish-Ukrainian border
In Woerden a lot of things are collected for Ukraine. The Groene Hart Courier Services depot is already filling up well. “Canned soup, preserves, canned fruit, baby food, baby fruit, squeeze bottles, diapers, baby wipes, feminine hygiene, pet food”, Liane de Vries sums up as she walks through the depot.
She couldn’t sit still, she says after seeing the images of the war. “Just looking at it didn’t make me feel good, I really wanted to do something physically. So I mobilized the case,” she says. “This is what people in the neighborhood gathered and brought to the depot.”
Reporter Robert Jan Booij took a look at the courier company in Woerden this morning
Wijnand, meanwhile, helps to bring the filled boxes to a truck. “We are driving to the border with Ukraine,” he says. “About 100 kilometers from Lviv. Then the UN drives the stuff into the country. So it’s really for the people in Ukraine itself.

07:23 Animal shelter offers shelter for pets of Ukrainian refugees
Many shelters for Ukrainian refugees do not allow animals. Animal shelters across the country have therefore started a campaign to take in pets of Ukrainian refugees, close to where they stay.
Mechtild Stavenuiter of Stichting Dierenhulpverlening Woerden explains why this action is necessary. “People may be housed in a building, but animals are less suitable to keep there.”
In Zeist, for example, three dogs have already been taken care of. Stavenuiter looks at what help she can offer, preferably close to where people themselves are housed. “Then they can just visit the animals.”
07.09 Refugee Work: Take a good look at what is needed
The Refugees Foundation calls all collection campaigns heartwarming, but indicates that it is wise to think carefully about what really helps. “What you often see is that people start a fundraising campaign without really looking at what kind of help there is. You see that a lot of stuff is sent to organizations, while they can’t do much with it at that time. Our advice is: Therefore, we first need to inquire about what exactly is needed,” says Evita Bloemheuvel of the Dutch Council for Refugees.
For example, international organizations that provide aid in Ukraine’s neighboring countries have indicated that there is currently no need for clothing and equipment. It is very expensive and complicated to collect, check and send the items. “Most organizations currently mainly ask for money,” says Bloemheuvel.
View last week’s item here
06.45 am First standings Giro555
The national day of action was given at 06.00 this morning. On national and regional radio and TV channels, attention is paid to the war in Ukraine all day long. More than 21 million euros have already been donated on Giro555 for aid in recent days, it was announced early this morning.
There is a need in Ukraine for immediate emergency aid, such as medical care, clean drinking water and shelter. Dozens of initiatives have also been devised in our province to collect money or items.