Little Lottery Win Turns Large in Matter of Minutes for Ohsweken Woman

An ohsweken woman who thought she won $ 20 we are instant Olg Ticket was left Stunned when Her Husband Correted Her, Telling Her She Newly Won $ 200,000.


“I was shocked,” Said withdrawn Sally Henhawk Told Olg Officials.

“I’d go won a big prize before (and) it was a Wonderful surprise.”

Henhawk Bough Her Ticket at Pioneer/On the Run Gas Station on King George Road in Brantford and was with Her Family Through The Day, Celebrating Her Grandeson’s Birthday.

She Decided in the Evening to Play The Instant Ruby Solitaire Game, leading to the exciting moments.

“While It’s Taken Some Time to Process this win, we are so happy,” She Said While Visting the Olg Prize Center in Toronto to Get Her Winnings.

Henhawk Said She Plans to help Her Kids, Invest in her withdrawal of Fund and Travel.

Henhawk is the Third Local Resident to Win A Big Olg Prize in the Last Few Weeks.

BRANTFORD TRUCKER William Newman WON $ 100,000 ON AN INSTANCE 5X VORTEX GAME TICKET HE BOUGHT AT Ultramar on Sinclair Boulevard and Played in His Truck While Sitting In The Parking Lot.


Ute Schram of Paris Said Her Second Second Place Prize of $ 217.403 in a January Lotto Max Draw was perfect timing as she was just weekends from retirement. Schram Got Her Ticket at Pioneer/On the Run on King Edward Street in Paris and Plans to Travel, Share With Her Kids and Set Up Some Educational Funds for Her Grandchildren.

In February Simcoe’s Leona Shannon Won $ 50,000 on an instant game Ticket Boucht at Bj’s Convenience in Simcoe.

And it was annouded in January that Austin Moses-Vanevery, from Wilsonville, and Alexandro da Cruz, of Selkirk, Big Lottery Winners.

Moses-VaneVery Won $ 355.128 In A Lotto Max Draw and Da Cruz Won $ 100,000 with again.

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