Literature: Julia Deck, National Monument, social comedy around a legacy

Literature Julia Deck National Monument social comedy around a legacy

At the castle, there is the father, old lion of French cinema and national glory. There is the young wife, ex-Miss Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, entirely devoted to her family and to peace in the world. There are the twins, the half-sister. As for the money, it was carefully kept in offshore accounts.

At the castle, there is also the steward, the nurse, the coach, the cook, the gardener, the driver. Let’s beware of them. Especially if the global air traffic shutdown keeps us dangerously far from our offshore accounts.

Guest : Julia Deck, writernational monument”, published in midnight editions is his sixth novel.

And the column “It’s class!” with Déborah Gros, in charge of educational projects, at RFI Savoirs – Service Langue française.

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