Listeria: charcuterie removed from the shelves at Leclerc

Listeria charcuterie removed from the shelves at Leclerc

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    After chocolates, pizzas, it is the turn of delicatessen to be affected by contamination. This time it is listeria. Persons in possession of the product in question are invited to return it to their place of purchase for a refund.

    It is the Leclerc brand which is carrying out a massive recall of batches of cold cuts, after reporting by the government site Rappel Conso. These batches of mortadella are likely to be contaminated with listeria monocytogenes.

    More specifically, it is the “Mortadella Bologna IGP 100 g from L’atelier Charcuterie Tradizioni d’Italia“.

    Marketed from April 19 to May 10

    This charcuterie was therefore present on the shelves in Leclerc hypermarkets throughout France from April 19 to May 10, 2022 with a consumption deadline of May 12. “Only batches bearing the additional code 01 following the barcode are affected by the recall,” specifies Rappel Conso. People still in possession of this product are invited to return it to the point of sale for a refund. A number has also been made available for more information, it is 08 00 86 52 86.

    Listeriosis, a potentially serious disease

    Listeriosis is the disease caused by the listeria bacteria, listeria monocytogenes, in this case. It causes fever, sometimes headaches and body aches but also digestive disorders with diarrhea and vomiting. It is also potentially serious in fragile subjects such as pregnant women, the elderly or immunocompromised.

    People who have consumed the products mentioned above and who have these types of symptoms “are invited to consult their attending physician and inform him of this consumption” specifies the reminder. Finally, you should know that listeriosis has a fairly long incubation period, which can be up to eight weeks.

    Listeriosis: Prevention is better than cure

    To cure a listeriosis infection, there is antibiotic treatment with a combination of ampicillin and gentamicin. However, it would seem that “the best treatment is prevention”, says Dr. Caroline Charlier, head of clinic for the infectious and tropical diseases unit. To prevent it, a few simple actions can help:

    • Wash fruits, vegetables and aromatic herbs well, the listeria germ is indeed present in the soil;
    • Wash hands properly and often (even after handling raw foods)
    • Thoroughly cook all animal products: meat and fish;
    • Always reheat leftover food and ready meals (Listeria germs are destroyed at 100°C);
    • Respect expiry dates;
    • Remove the rind from all cheeses.
