The benefits of vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy products are a well-known fact. In recent years, with the establishment of packaged foods, ready meals and fast food culture, the importance of healthy nutrition as it should have emerged again due to health problems caused by malnutrition. The World Health Organization recommends eating plenty of greens, vegetables and fruits at least 5 times a day. The world has been fighting against malnutrition and obesity for a while, as well as against the coronavirus. Another study on foods and their benefits has resulted.
Parsley, arugula, cress, dill, basil… You already know that these healthy greens all have their own benefits, but one of them became a star with its high nutritional values. Studies show that vegetables are much healthier than fruits. However, in the study conducted in the USA, the nutritional values of greens, vegetables and fruits were examined and it was revealed that the green with the highest nutritional value was cress. By adding cress to your diet, you can have a more vigorous and healthy body.
According to the news of Posta; Other studies have shown that cress can improve asthma symptoms in a study conducted on patients aged 15-80 years with mild to moderate asthma. But the effective benefits of adding cress to your diet are not just that!
Cress, a distinguished member of the cruciferous family, contains high levels of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Zinc.
You have already opened the doors of a healthy body with a bunch of cress…
In 100 grams of cress;
- Calories (kcal) 28
- Total Fat Content 0.52 g
- Sodium (mg) 44mg
- Potassium 462mg
- Total Carbs 1.84 g
- Dietary Fiber 3.30 g
- Sugar 0.18 g
- Protein 2.45 g
By adding cress to your diet, you can have a healthier body.
It helps to lose weight: Cress’ features combined with low calorie and high nutritional values support the body to reach its ideal weight thanks to its abundant fiber, vitamins and minerals that support fat burning.
Good for high blood pressure: In a study, it was investigated whether cress had antihypertensive effects. It was observed that blood pressure values decreased significantly in subjects with high blood pressure problem, who were given cress extracts at a dose of 20 mg/kg for 3 weeks.
It reduces the risk of getting the disease: Cress tea reduces the risk of catching colds such as colds and flu
It strengthens the immune system. Adding cress to your daily diet strengthens the immune system and supports the body’s fight against diseases. It is beneficial for sore throat and helps to remove phlegm.
It is good for the digestive system: Cress has appetizing properties. It is used as a laxative for constipation. Dysentery can be treated with the help of the cure obtained by mixing the seeds of cress and honey. The seeds of cress are boiled in water and if this water is consumed, it accelerates the bowel movement. It cleans the intestines. Thus, it also facilitates weight loss.
It is good for gynecological diseases: Vitamins and minerals contained in cress help regulate gynecological diseases. It increases the milk of breastfeeding mothers. Because cress contains high levels of iron and protein. In general, cress is recommended to mothers after childbirth.
It is good for anemia: When consumed regularly, it balances anemia. Since it contains high levels of iron, it has blood-forming properties. This feature can also help to eliminate bone diseases, hair loss and brittle nail structures caused by iron deficiency.
It is good for the respiratory tract: If the cress seed is consumed by chewing, it can be used in the treatment of cough, headache, asthma and bronchitis. It has a breathing feature. It can eliminate mild shortness of breath problems. It can reduce severe coughs, especially those caused by asthma.
Protects eye health: The abundant amount of vitamin A it contains is important for eye health. It reduces the risk of catching many eye diseases, especially cataract disease, which occurs due to aging.
Reduces the harms of smoking: Recent studies on this subject have revealed that smoking reduces the damage caused to the lungs and tissues. Therefore, it is recommended that smokers eat cress every day and boil the cress seeds and drink 1-2 glasses a day.
Cress is diuretic: Another feature of cress is that it is a very effective diuretic. Apart from that, it helps maintain kidney health. It does not allow the formation of stones in the kidneys, and it can help to shed intestinal worms.
It reduces the risk of getting cancer: Cress seeds contain antioxidants that are effective against free radicals that cause cancer diseases. Due to this antioxidant feature, it can naturally eliminate the harmful effects of cancer cells in tissues or reduce the destructive effects of cancer cells.
Protects hair and skin health: When cress is boiled in water and applied to the hair, it protects the health of the hair, eliminates the fragility of the hair and gives a healthy soft appearance thanks to the iron and other minerals and vitamins it contains.
Consuming cress is quite safe for many people, but as with everything else, excessive consumption can cause digestive system and urinary tract problems.
However, cress contains goitrogens that reduce iodine absorption in the thyroid. Therefore, it can cause hypothyroidism. If you have hypothyroidism, you should not consume cress. Cress should not be used during pregnancy because it can affect hormones.
Warning: Since cress has blood pressure lowering effects, it should be used carefully by those with low blood pressure problems. If your blood pressure is constantly low, do not use herbal cures made with cress without consulting your doctor.