Lisa Ajax’s daughter was born with unusual ‘balls on her head’

Lisa Ajaxs daughter was born with unusual balls on her

Lisa Ajax, 25, stepped into music Sweden in 2014 when she won Idol with a bang. Since then, Lisa has, among other things, participated in Melodifestivalen a number of times, the most recent of which was in 2024 with the song “Awful liar”.

READ MORE: Lisa Ajax on parenthood: ‘Losing myself’

But in addition to a flourishing singing career, Ajax’s love life has also gone smoothly. In 2020, she met her great love Max Huss in a music studio and it said “click” immediately.

Lisa and Max were born together and have a daughter together. Image source: Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

Three years later, the couple announced that they would become parents in June 2024.

READ MORE: Everything about Lisa Ajax – Height, children and boyfriend Max Huss

Now the daughter has come into the world and received the beautiful name Junie Ajax Huss.

Lisa Ajax talks about the unusual birth injury

Under the circumstances, everything has gone well. But Lisa said that the daughter was born with an unusual (but also harmless) birth injury, which she told about on her Instagram story. She also appeals to her followers and asks if anyone has experienced something similar.

Lisa Ajax appealed to her followers. Image source: lisaajax/Instagram

“Junie was born with Cephalhematoma, hence her little balls on her head. It’s harmless but quite unusual for it to be on both sides. Don’t know why she got it but possibly it has to do with being down so far in the days before labor started. She wasn’t born with a suction cup. Anyone else been through this?”, she captioned the picture of her adorable daughter.
