Lip balm: why does the more you use, the more it dries out your lips? A dermatologist answers

Lip balm why does the more you use the more

If applying your lip stick is making your lips increasingly dry, it’s time to review your skincare routine. Here are the solutions to find a soft mouth.

As winter approaches, temperatures plummet and your lips suffer. First reflex: apply lip balm! And yet, very often, after several uses of this moisturizing stick, the dryness increases tenfold. How to explain it? What are the remedies? A dermatologist has the answer.

Why does lip balm dry out lips?

With the onset of cold weather, lips become chapped, causing dryness and irritation. This is a very common occurrence that requires treatment to prevent any cracking or bleeding. If the lip stick is the preferred solution to this inconvenience, it needs to be chosen with care. Indeed, if your mouth dries out despite your efforts to moisturize it, it is probably because the composition of your treatment needs to be reviewed. Claire Chang, cosmetologist and dermatologist certified at the Union Square Laser Dermatology center in New York explains: “I recommend avoiding excessive use of balms containing salicylic acid, an exfoliant that removes dead skin, it can cause irritation and dry out lips even more.“Other components, such as perfumes Or other allergens, also cause irritation on the lips, accentuating dryness. Dr. Chang advises in particular to avoid cinnamic aldehyde, an aggressive allergen on sensitive skin. Another factor favoring dryness: hot water. “Although hot water is soothing in the short term, it can dry out lips as it evaporates.”, adds Dr Chang. Good news, some adjustments to your beauty routine can counter this problem in the blink of an eye.

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Which lip balm should you choose?

To have a perfectly hydrated mouth, dermatologist Claire Chang advises choosing a lip stick minimalist composition. It is recommended to look at formulas rich in moisturizing active ingredients such as ceramides or hyaluronic acid. Paired with moisture-locking ingredients like lanolin, petrolatum or beeswax, it’s a perfect combo. Once you have found your ideal lip balm: “The more you add, the better.”, specifies Dr Chang. Also make sure to hydrate yourself from the inside by drinking as little as possible. 1.5 liters of water per day, this will help your skin regain all its suppleness.
