Linn Svahn’s strong confession about the nightmare – now she tells the truth: “Few people understand”

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Linn Svahn has been through pure hell.
Now the Swede opens up about the tough times.
– I think there are few who understand how much has been demanded of me, says the 22-year-old in an interview.

Over a year and a half has passed since the Swedish cross-country skier Lynn Svahn stood on the starting line last. In the meantime, the 22-year-old has undergone two operations, long rehabilitation and missed an entire ski season.

Svahn’s nightmare

It really hasn’t been easy for the Swedish skiing star, who now opens up about the nightmare period.
– It has been quite a long journey. It has been almost a full year of rehab and all that that entails. In some way it has been a great journey, you can constantly see development, but it is not something I want to be part of again in my career, she says in an interview with LT.

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210225 Linn Svahn of Sweden looks dejected after the Women’s Cross Country Skiing Sprint semi final during the FIS Nordic Ski World Championships on February 25, 2021 in Oberstdorf. Photo: Johanna Lundberg / BILDBYRÅN / code JL / JL0078

With hard work and enormous drive, Svahn has fought back and is now ready to enter wholeheartedly into a new ski season. During the long rehabilitation, the Swede has had a personal trainer Ola Ravald and the physiotherapist Marcus Bystedt by her side, they have been invaluable to her path back.
– It is an extremely long process, I think there are few who understand how much has been required of me and everyone around me. It’s a journey that we made together, to have me back in shape to be able to ski again and back to a normal sporting life. I’m really proud of that. They are all worth their weight in gold, she says in the interview.

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Clear goal

The big goal of the coming season is of course the ski World Championships in Planica, Slovenia, during the turn of February-March 2023. Then Svahn will do everything to take the very first championship medal of his career.

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211015 Linn Svahn poses for a portrait on October 14, 2021 in Östersund. Photo: Johan Axelsson / BILDBYRÅN / COP 245 / JA0055

So far, she has just one JVM bronze to show for it after the 2021 World Ski Championships were affected by the shoulder injury and she only managed an 11th place in Oberstdorf. And Svahn missed the Winter Olympics in 2022 completely, now she hopes to get revenge after the tough years with a WC medal.
– I am driven by having clear goals and high goals, but I do not have any major championship credentials. I have done well at the World Cup but not at the championships. That’s something I want to change. I want to get there and ride as fast as I can in the WC sprint. That was my goal two years ago and I was very well prepared for it. I want to continue to have that as a goal now and do everything I can to be as prepared as possible for it, says Linn to the local newspaper.

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