Linn Svahn rages against Therese Johaug’s statement

Therese Johaug thinks that all skiers have a responsibility to offer themselves and make the sport more attractive.
Linn Svahn says it’s a stupid idea.

– Completely idiotic. I don’t think it should be something you have to do, she tells Sportbladet.

Therese Johaug is back where she belongs. The 36-year-old showed class in her comeback in Beitostölen last weekend and many believe that she will really be a force to be reckoned with this season. This weekend sees the World Cup premiere in Ruka, Finland.

Therese Johaug’s demands on other riders

During the two years that the Norwegian skiing queen has been missing, she has hardly been on the lazy side. She has managed a lot.
– I got married, had children and a lot has happened in my life. But I miss the skiing family and have missed competing. I’m not in the shape I was in a few years ago. I hope to get back there during the winter. I look forward to meeting the girls. As my life situation looks like, I shouldn’t come here and win, she says in an interview with Sportbladet and instead puts the favorite on Frida Karlsson and Ebba Andersson.

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Johaug is truly the sport’s biggest star on the women’s side and it is obvious that she has been missed on the biggest stage. During the autumn, she went out in Norwegian VG and called on all skaters from all countries of the world to help expose the sport more. Other sports get more media space and cross-country skiing needs to be made visible and receive more attention. She thinks that the best skaters must get better at showing off and offering themselves on, for example, social media.

Linn Svahn does not agree with Johaug

One who absolutely does not agree with Therese Johaug is the Swedish sprint star Lynn Svahn24. She thinks that they should be allowed to be as private as they want and that it should not be a requirement at all to be open on social media.
– Completely idiotic. I don’t think it should be something you need to do. So I think she is completely wrong. I think there is a very big difference between what you choose to share privately and what is sporting, she says.

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Svahn himself has chosen to be very secretive when it comes to his own private life. For example, she has had a boyfriend for a couple of years, but refused to reveal who he is. Simply because she doesn’t think anyone else has anything to do with it. On the other hand, she is always good and “busy” when it comes to delivering quotes after competitions.
– You can be busy in sports and personal, but to start going in and making demands to be private is completely wrong, she tells Sportbladet.

How do you think it goes for Therese Johaug this season? Feel free to write a comment about the Norwegian’s chances in the World Cup and the WC. Share and like-mark the article as well.

