LinkedIn profile: these mistakes you should not make

LinkedIn profile these mistakes you should not make

It is now an almost obligatory passage for all people entering the professional world from near or far. Yet the creation of a LinkedIn profile is often sloppy, neglected, with ultimately a result that does not serve the user. To remedy this, there are key steps to follow and mistakes not to be made. First of all, the LinkedIn profile is not a CV. On the contrary. “You have to see the LinkedIn profile as a sales page, especially when you’re looking for a job. You have to structure it in different stages with a hook and a few numbers,” says Christopher Piton, who coaches leaders on LinkedIn.

More than 25 million French people, or 80% of the working population, now have a LinkedIn account. In order to stand out, keywords are essential. “LinkedIn is a gigantic database, you have to try to feed it as much as possible by using the right ones”, assures Philippe Douale, co-author of the book. Job search, secrets of the pros. Before building a profile on the platform, each user must work on themselves to determine their strengths and skills to highlight.

“A keyword is a word that represents a skill, a know-how that you have acquired during your professional experience”, continues Philippe Douale. LinkedIn offers the possibility of completing at least five skills. “40% of companies use the skills filter to identify candidates, that’s 20% more than last year. The five most important skills are essential”, says Esther Ohayon, communications director and career expert at LinkedIn France.

The profile picture, an essential element

The platform then offers various options to enrich its profile. Nothing is ever useless. “However, there are priorities such as starting by optimizing the top of the profile: the photo, the banner, the title and the “about” section”, explains Christopher Piton. The photograph is the first element of the profile that is obvious and can quickly repel a recruiter or a potential target.

“The level on the photos has increased enormously. It is almost obligatory to call on a professional. The watchword: to inspire confidence. There is also the photo banner which makes it possible to convey a message. keep the starting photo: the important thing is to stand out from the others”, believes Philippe Douale. “The idea is to adopt a good posture and a good luminosity. The face must represent 60% of the photo and avoid the American plans. When we see you in the comments we will recognize your face and not in the distance a silhouette”, adds Christopher Piton.

What is the “open to work” badge for?

In the title of the profile, each person must clearly show their function with the final objective: to be found and to be noticed. “People tend to want to be too exhaustive or humorous. The person has to know right away what we have to offer him,” says Christopher Piton. In the “about” section, the user has the opportunity to show who is the human behind the professional. This requires preparation and a certain level of requirement.

Finally, if you are looking for a job, activating the “open to work” badge can be useful. Be careful, however, to make it visible only to recruiters. LinkedIn also offers the possibility of making a video. “It is accessible from your profile photo, this allows you to share your journey in a personal way and highlight your skills”, underlines Esther Ohayon. To solicit other users to interact with your profile, the “my selection” section also allows you to highlight your favorite articles or customer testimonials. Once their profile is fully completed, the user can begin to fully exploit the potential of LinkedIn.
