Line Renaud victim of a stroke which left him with sequelae

Line Renaud victim of a stroke which left him with

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Having just celebrated her 95th birthday, Line Renaud remains one of the favorite stars of the French. In an interview with our colleagues from RTL, she talks about her stroke and the related sequelae. How to properly manage a stroke? The answers of Dr Gérald Kierzek, emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo.

    Actress with many successes, whether in theater, television or cinema, Line Renaud is undoubtedly one of the favorite personalities of the French. But the one who has just celebrated her 95th birthday also had health problems, in particular a stroke, in April 2019, following which she had some after-effects.

    In April 2019, it was his dog who gave the alert

    In an interview granted to the microphone of RTL, Line Renaud returns to this episode and tells how her dog saved her life.

    “He saved me, Pirate. He sleeps with me, above the bed. It’s a King Charles and in the morning, he comes out right away when my employee comes to open the bedroom door” she explains. But this morning in April 2019, the dog does not move. “That’s how she discovered me and how I was able to tell her ‘call the Samu quickly, I think I’m having a stroke. My dog ​​stayed on the bed for her to come in“says the actress.

    After-effects remain, four years later

    If Line Renaud has generally recovered from this episode, more than four years later, she still has some after-effects.The rehabilitation was not done well, so my right hand did not come back completely“, details the nonagenarian. “That’s Line Renaud the fighter, I haven’t given up. I can’t use my right hand anymore, but it’s fine” she adds.

    What is the proper treatment for a stroke?

    According to Dr. Gérald Kierzek, a stroke must be properly managed, in two stages.

    “The first is the time of emergency: in the event of symptoms of a stroke: facial paralysis, loss of strength in one arm, difficulty in speaking… We don’t delay, we call 15, even if the symptoms have regressed; it is better to call for nothing than to overlook a stroke and waste time” first details the doctor.

    Then, once the stroke has been taken care of in a neurovascular unit with an MRI, if possible within the first four hours after the start of the episode, the time for rehabilitation will come. This is an important step, because even if the stroke may have destroyed areas of the brain, it is possible to recover certain functions through rehabilitation: motor, sensory but also speech therapy. It all depends on the severity of the stroke of course, but it is possible to recover certain functions, even several months after the accident thanks to brain plasticity in particular“Concludes Gérald Kierzek.
