Line Renaud: a dignified death, his new fight

Line Renaud a dignified death his new fight

LINE RENAUD. The actress, on the poster of the film “A beautiful race”, leads an important fight in her eyes: that of having the right to die with dignity. She is the guest of 8:30 p.m. on Sunday on France 2, Sunday September 11, 2022.

Line Renaud is the guest this Sunday of Laurent Delahousse in 8:30 p.m. on Sunday on France 2. The actress will present, in the company of Dany Boon, “A beautiful race” in which she plays alongside him. The duo received a “standing ovation” at the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival during the presentation of the film in which the duo stars. If the presentation of the latter will be at the heart of the discussions during tonight’s program, Line Renaud will certainly not fail to mention the subject which is particularly close to her heart: that of the fight for the right to die in the dignity.

Indeed, the actress has been talking about the subject for a few years now. Married for 45 years, she painfully witnessed the end of her husband’s life. On August 20, she signed a column, published on the JDD website, with Olivier Falorni, MP (PS) for the 1st district of Charente-Maritime. A single watchword: “It’s time to legalize active assistance in dying.” From the start, the actress asks: “Why do you want to stay until the end when you know that you are condemned in the short term and that your physical and psychological suffering will be, despite the progress of medicine and the dedication of caregivers, refractory to any therapeutic treatment?

If Line Renaud recognizes that “over the past twenty years, several legislative developments have taken place”, she regrets that “our law still suffers from several major flaws and shortcomings”. In addition, she denounces the “great hypocrisy” French on the issue and regrets that the only solutions that exist for patients wishing to put an end to their pain are “exile in border countries to die there and the practice of clandestine euthanasia in our country”.

In her tribune, Line Renaud challenges the President of the Republic and parliamentarians: “On March 31, in Fouras, in Charente-Maritime, during the campaign for the presidential election, Emmanuel Macron responded to a citizen who questioned on this subject: “I am in favor of moving towards the Belgian model. “[…] The French expect this right to their ultimate freedom. It is therefore time, Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, to finally have a law, here and now.”

From her real name Jacqueline Ente, Line Renaud was born on July 2, 1928 in Pont-de-Nieppe, a village located near Armentières (North). His family is modest: his father works as a truck driver while his mother is a shorthand typist. Her passion for music, Jacqueline inherits it from her father, a trumpeter in a local marching band, who gives her the desire to sing. During the Second World War, it was the women of the house who took care of Jacqueline while her father was at the front and then taken prisoner.

The young Jacqueline Ente is already passionate about music. It was only after the signing of the armistice that she decided to embark on the Parisian music scene where she quickly obtained her first job in the Folies Belleville music hall. In September 1945, she was only 16 when she first met Loulou Gasté, twenty-one years her senior. The musician then discovers a young woman who has the potential to become a star. He decides to take her on his wing. Under his leadership, Jacqueline Ente will metamorphose. Singing and dancing lessons, diet, change of wardrobe and hairstyle… Loulou Gasté thinks of everything. She chose her grandmother’s surname, Renaud, while Gasté gave her a new first name. This is how Line Renaud was born. Very quickly, success reaches out to him. She goes on tour and triumphs in particular with titles like snow star. In 1950, she married Loulou Gasté.

Later, Line Renaud’s fame will even go beyond the French borders and especially in England where she will perform and even be noticed by Bob Hope, a well-known comedian in the United States, who offers her to appear on his show. five evenings. Thanks to him, she will begin to sing across the Atlantic, notably at the Waldorf Astoria in New York and at the Coconut Grove in Los Angeles. She is invited pell-mell to Johnny Carson, Dinah Shore or even Dean Martin, with whom she will sing Relax.

Line Renaud took advantage of her star status to go into the cinema and in 1959 became the reviewer of the Casino de Paris. With her, Pleasures of Paris will remain at the top of the bill for four years in a row after which she will fly to Las Vegas where one of the biggest casinos in the city, the Dunes, engages her in a spectacle which will last two years. In Paris, at the beginning of the 1970s, she launched “Paris-Line”, a magazine that would last four years. In 1985, Line Renaud is at the origin of the Association of Artists against AIDS, a disease against which she wishes to fight. His association aims to raise funds through the organization of artistic events.

Ten years later, the love of her life, Loulou Gasté, died at the age of 86. Line Renaud will then decide to take refuge in work to try to heal her bruised heart. She then goes on to projects in the theater as well as in front of the cameras. She publishes books, including Mom, which she dedicated to her mother. Of all her career, it is difficult to keep only one memory as Line Renaud has accumulated different projects and exciting lives. Known all over the world, she is one of those French people who knew how to tame the United States. So much so that if you walk around Las Vegas, you might even find yourself on a street dedicated to him! The Line Renaud Road was inaugurated by Line Renaud itself in September 2017.

Throughout her life, Line Renaud has multiplied the caps. From singer and magazine leader, the artist has also appeared in many films and television series, making her one of the most popular actresses:

At the movie theater :

  • 2018: The Ch’tite family
  • 2012: A few hours of spring
  • 2011: The cruise
  • 2010: Santa’s Apprentice
  • 2008: Miss Chambon
  • 2007: Welcome to the Ch’tis
  • 2006: Scorpio
  • 2005: The House of Happiness, Dolmen
  • 2004 : The Human Kind 2nd part: Happiness is better than life, The Mirror of Water
  • 2002: 18 years later
  • 2001: Chaos
  • 1999: Doggy Bag
  • 1998: Step mother
  • 1993: I’m not sleepy
  • 1954: Boom on Paris
  • 1951: Paris still sings
  • 1946: The Fair of Chimeras

On the television :

  • Ricky or the good life
  • The silence of the hawk
  • The Great Beke
  • The water mirror
  • Louise and the markets
  • Ten percent
  • The water mirror
  • The little girl in a sailor suit

During her film career, Line Renaud has received critical acclaim several times. She was notably nominated in 1995 for the César for best actress in a supporting role for I’m not sleepy by Claire Denis, in 2000 and 2002 in the same category for Step mother by Gabriel Aghion and Chaos by Coline Serreau.

On July 14, 2022, Line Renaud received the highest distinction of the Republic: that of the Grand Cross, in the order of the Legion of Honor. A new medal for the co-founder of Sidaction, awarded by the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron. The dignity of Grand Cross is the highest distinction to be awarded in any order, military or civil. It is an honorary distinction, like all ranks of the Legion of Honor and is not accompanied by any material or financial advantage, but remains a source of pride for the recipients, symbols of good citizenship.

In 2019, France holds its breath when it learns that one of the country’s favorite personalities has come close to death. “It was around 7:30 a.m. My dog, Pirate, was sleeping on my bed. I get up to go to the bathroom and there I slip. I fall to my seat, at the foot of the bed, unable to get up. Pirate looks at me. I don’t understand what’s happening to me I try to move – ‘Get up, you idiot!’ – , like in those dreams where you are unable to flee when there is an emergency. God knows how my legs got stuck under the bed. It was while struggling that I had to break my right ankle I was conscious, but I didn’t hurt anywhere,” confided the former reviewer to Paris Match.

It was Jacinthe, who works at Line Renaud, who called the emergency services. “As usual, she opened the door of my room quietly, so as not to wake me. Pirate always rushes outside, for his needs. There, he stayed close to me. Suddenly, Jacinthe came in and saw me on the floor. She gave me a drink, my mouth was still dry. She rushed to the phone to call for help. If Pirate had left the room, Jacinthe wouldn’t have seen me. can say that he saved me!”, she adds in the magazine.

Line Renaud was hospitalized from April 10 to July 12, 2019. “It took me another six weeks here for me to be able to stand on my right leg,” she said.
