Linde: The majority have approved the NATO application

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2/3 of the member countries in NATO have now approved Sweden’s application. Foreign Minister Ann Linde announces this on Twitter.

Ann Linde writes on twitterTwitter

In order for Sweden to become a full member of NATO, all 30 NATO countries’ parliaments must ratify, that is, approve, the application.

On May 16, the government, with support in the Riksdag, made the decision to apply for membership in NATO.

On July 27, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Cavusoglu said that Ankara had not seen Sweden and Finland take “sufficient measures” for Turkey to allow them to become members of NATO.

At the NATO meeting at the end of June, the Turkish president withdrew his veto against Swedish and Finnish NATO membership, after the countries signed an agreement which, among other things, means that the countries promise not to support the Kurdish movements YPG and PYD or the Gülen movement.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has warned several times since then that Turkey may change its mind if Sweden does not fulfill its commitments – and deports the people listed by Turkey.

In the player above: see more about Turkey’s latest announcement regarding Sweden’s NATO application.

The countries that have not accepted NATO membership

So far, 20 of the 30 NATO members have approved, or ratified, the Swedish-Finnish NATO application.

These are the countries that have not yet approved:

  • Czech Republic

  • France

  • Greece

  • Hungary

  • Italy

  • Portugal

  • Slovakia

  • Spain

  • Turkey

  • USA

  • Source: Finnish Government Council/valtioneuvosto
