Linde attacked by gunman: “Terrible experience”

The former foreign minister Ann Linde (S) now tells, many years later, how she was threatened with a gun outside her house.

– An absolutely terrible experience, says Linde in SVT’s Min sanning.

The attack took place late in the evening in 2006 when Linde was on her way home to her home in southern Stockholm. A gunman appeared, pressed a gun to her chest and told her to take off her clothes. Ann Linde reacted with “an abysmal roar” and ran into the house.

The police suspected that the man who threatened her was the same person who had also attacked other women in the area.

Linde chose to keep quiet about the attack.

I think a lot of women don’t want to see themselves as a victim. It becomes so defining. You don’t want it to obscure the important things, she says in the program.

Only now does she choose to tell, to highlight something bigger.

It is part of how men’s society oppresses women. It’s about everything from male domination techniques to violence, says Linde.
